Thursday, October 17, 2024

Current Moods

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm just trying to stay in positive motion like the last post I wrote about!


I'm not really in that much of a mood right now to write a lot. I feel pretty content with myself. I don't feel a burden about improving my life anymore. It's sort of a habitual practice to not let yourself feel down over some anxieties. If you do nothing about it, then you won't overcome it. Complaining and then just putting in the effort to forget about the struggles is one half of the equation, you have to also work to get out of your pickle. This can be such a challenging mess, so I think your headspace needs to be healthy to begin with. 

It took me a long time to rewire myself to get this feeling that's like unfailing peace no matter where I go in this universe. I think putting my faith in Jesus has something to do with it. I mean it's all through God's grace that we can all be forgiven. Nothing we do will atone for being right with God's perfect standards again, since all it takes is one silly mistake. This is probably where people want to argue and come up with whatever constructs that will suit themselves. Well, I'm not going to sit around and argue. I'm just trying to say that I seriously think practicing Christianity while believing in it means that you would have faith in Jesus that's truly alive inside of you; otherwise, maybe there's something still hindering you that you would have to wrestle to figure out. Yeah, it's absolutely not easy at all! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Staying In Positive Motion

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm just trying to practice some common sense while keeping myself fresh enough to be active.


I think maintaining a high level of confidence with low stress and taking things in stride without any limiting thoughts surely affects you in a positive way. It took a lot of time to figure myself out to get to this point of self-contentment. It wasn't through popping any pills or going to see a therapist. It took a lot of personal extensive work, but what I think helped me a lot is just my natural predilection for pursuing after self-improvement. I might have been a crazy perfectionist while growing up, but now I've loosened it up to just laughing at my silly mistakes and keeping myself optimistic with some room for improvement. There's no need to kill yourself over something other than voluntarily answering like some higher calling if there are some personal sacrifices that will be required. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Picking Up On Things So Late

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm just feeling pretty good and sober today like my usual self now.


I think I totally rewired myself to now be mostly optimistic and relaxed, so in general, I feel pretty happy. I'm sure there are many reasons you could say to yourself to be quite the opposite from how this world is. I think you can genuinely be happy while working hard to solve problems at the same time. It's really hard to do, but I do think it's worthwhile. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Seriously Starting to Run Dry

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm just highlighting quickly what I want to work on.


Well, I'm still trying to listen to the Bible and I guess listening to Christian talk on the radio is sort of like fellowshipping with other believers in a way. I can get a chance to call in or listen to other believers. In a sense,  I like to do this daily so maybe I'm not really forsaking the assembly of the body from doing this, which is what the Bible commands. It generally means a believer should attend a good church and fellowship. I mean that I'm thinking that since my heart is still about trying to study God's word still from radio ministry, it might be sufficient even if I miss attending church services once in a while. 

I want to keep on trying to make money, work out to stay healthy, and find myself a hot woman who is a good person and will enjoy that really sexy contact regularly in marriage if you know what I mean! I think those are really the main things I'm looking for in a wife. My best friend is a lady, and I'm like no she does not possess the main quality I'm looking for, but she still looks pretty attractive I guess. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Scheduling My Learning Periods Well

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm looking to put in a bit more meaningful effort in my additional studying and exercising habits.


For the sake of bettering myself, I really would like to incorporate some more exercise and studying of worthy material to advance with my current situation and reach this optimal state of finances. From having achieved finances, I believe I will be able to then afford doing some scheduling that I desire and then from that develop more favorable relationships. I don't feel worried about the length of time it's taking anymore and feel content with these goals and making the effort to progress at them daily. I might be ready to push myself in a healthy and positive way and work on achieving my desired goals consistently. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Mentally Fired Up

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I think one of the important things is to always have your proper head in the game.


My current best friend is a young woman and she's definitely not a perfect catch, in my opinion! I mean I guess she's still good looking and nice enough, but she does not really show much of that interest of wanting to settle down with someone. Maybe, she's content with being single but just that she's worried about being alone and no one there to help her. Therefore, I really think of her right now as a buddy with some special needs! I don't really mind, I suppose and in a sense, I'm grateful to have gone past my immature adolescent stage where I just cared about being swept away by prettiness and attractive feminine features! I did sort of pretend that I was more into personality than looks because I thought it was quite shallow, but that was hard for me to accept for a while. 

The Bible has really helped me out in my understanding of attracting the right woman to be your wife. This is for free and I believe this to be advice from God. It's about your personal character and what you do to make this special lady feel really attracted to you! After accepting this, it's like I'm not really focusing on my looks so seriously anymore. I mean I still do care about presentability and my hygiene because I don't want to be too smelly and distract good women! It's just that I'm not about pridefully thinking about my looks so much anymore. I felt like I was different because it seemed like my height was going to be a factor and I guess it's probably naturally going to feel like the path of least resistance for a woman to feel secure from seeing a taller man wrap his arms around her. As annoying as that is to me, I am convinced that in most cases what the Bible says about how a man attracts the right woman from his character and what he does is going to reign supreme. 

I don't feel let down over the thought of beautiful looking women going for handsome men they are attracted to. I really feel confident about this now.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Achieving Constant Joyful Feeling

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I have managed to find myself living daily with low feelings of stress and happy feelings.


Based on what I think the Bible states somewhere in Proverbs, displeasure and unhappiness likely happens from dwelling on worries and anxieties. I normally feel a clear conscience, along with this feeling of optimism and disposition to keep on carrying my head high.

I honestly would like to have a wife, but I see myself only confident if I can make a lot of money on my own terms. I'm not seeking it from anybody really and so this is why I'm glad that I found a niche playing on this one app, which has been building up my confidence. 

I look forward to combining my efforts of making money on the side into also using my bots for trading and investing. 

For me, I feel like achieving this great purpose of doing something in this world by working on creating an influential app that will make me some money. It would be nice to lead a team of my brain child inventions. 

I also look forward to giving back and probably anonymously by donating a portion of my future wealth to good charities and organizations that will promote some good in this world. I really do take upon the Christian faith, so I'm leaning towards those Christian charitable organizations that will seek to address the needy.