Friday, September 20, 2024

Working At A Goal

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I think there's a general technique for coming across effective goal setting.


I believe the way to do it is lowering your stress levels and increasing your confidence level while maintaining this with consistency. It's more like doing some effective wiring in your head, if you haven't got there yet. 

I managed to do it without hiring any therapist and still will continue to go this route, but it's not for everyone. The same applies for vice versa. I think my route is probably more difficult, but it does feel a bit more rewarding because of the independent feelings and thrills you can get out of it for yourself, if you don't find this to be vanity and is still worth it to you a lot! 

I was lucky to come across some free online courses on the subject of personal development. 

This is what I personally use to this day. This is probably my not-so-big secret that anyone can apply for themselves if it works. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Current Result With Side Hustles

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm showing some good progress so far with my side hustles.


Right now, out of having no money invested in it, I have over 2K USD profit, which is not bad for a lot of time I put into it. I just put in my skill with playing on an app while challenging other opponents and won money off of them. I'm not specifically going to cover what app I'm using. I'm just going to advise you if you're interested that it's about finding your niche that you are pretty good at and see it making money for you on practical terms. For myself initially, it was trial and error so this part is what you would have to get through and find something that sticks for you longevity wise. It's really something that you need to be motivated on your own to really figure out; otherwise, it's just not happening. I mean there's nothing wrong with not doing this if this isn't interesting enough; you can instead just work at finding something else that piques your interest and gets you lucky enough to make some money! 

From finally getting to do this and seeing some good results, it's starting to really raise my confidence level a lot that even taller, attractive women are starting to notice me better. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Having Fun Venting A Little

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm figuring out an optimal way to deal with how those members from a looney church ganged up on me unfairly.


I'm realizing that I don't need to go shout at them regularly to force them to comply with my demands now. What's really important for me is to have something to fall back on that gives me a lot of confidence. In the past, it was my education as a college student. Nowadays, it's about having financial security. I really ought to work on this first before I go deal with those miscreants! 

From the last post, I said that I wanted to focus on personal development and making a ton of money. This is true and to specify personal development, I desire it to be everything dealing with my life including my health, career, community involvement, financial management, and social relationships. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Understanding Purpose of Personal Time Management

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm starting to feel more enlightened with time management.


For someone who used to feel like there was never enough time each day to do enough fun stuff since I was a video gamer addict for a while and having so much fun with it but also very lonely and depressed about that; I wish I had a few good friends and even a romantic partner who was into gaming like I was in the past and that we even had enough money pouring in. Yeah, this would have quite the life and maybe even raising a family of more gamer addicts would have been interesting and to even be featured on a reality show about it! 

I see that I'm quite a huge dreamer of the improbabilities so I haven't really let myself hang dry. I do realize that self-confidence is a key component for me to find a hot woman to settle down with someday and for this to happen, I need to make myself financially well off. I just feel this purpose inside of me to do this and to give back to the world someday after putting in a lot of hard work to get rich. I just feel like taking so much pleasure out of doing this. 

I think mainly my time management right now is about making a lot of money and focusing on some personal development. It's really never been so much clearer in my life and keeps on feeling better as I inch closer to my dream. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Working Towards Achieving A Happy Dream

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I have realized that working hard to pursue my dream has a balance to keeping me happy.


I really feel like I could learn to be a good leader and also support my family while being a proud parent and having a good spouse. I think I've made it clear that I'm a man, so yeah, I'm looking to hopefully marry a hot lady someday. My current best friend is a girl, and I think she's pretty cute too, but I don't think she's into doing any of that mushy romantic stuff with any guy in general right now, so she's a deal breaker to me! What I really love about her the most though is that I enjoy being around her feminine energy, and I can be chill with her while just calling her a friend and thinking of her as a deal breaker at the same time! I'll be looking forward to finding myself a hot woman to be with once I get rich. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Understanding What Makes Me Tick

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I am on my way to making some extra side income.


I think my personal confidence of carrying on tasks right now really stems from how I feel satisfied with having financial stability. Without this confidence, I feel like a complete wreck about trying to approach a hot lady to date. In a sense, it just feels like this is what I need, and I have come to accept it. I have accepted this personal responsibility to work hard to obtain this dream of mine.

My purpose of making a lot of money is to help out this world, help out my family and people I care about, and live a very exciting life! For my side learning, I have it now catered to what I'm interested in learning and have some confidence that I could make money with it right now. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Staying Happy While Keeping Up With Main Goals in Mind

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm realizing that I'm following through with a happy process that's been working for me.


From having taken some online self-development courses, I came across the concept that there are three types of positive purposes you can have for yourself. It's transcendental, familial or relational, and self-enhancing. For transcendental, it's doing something that can affect everyone in this world and makes you feel good about it. A self-enhancer is anything practically related to you to make you happy, so in other words, it can be a selfish goal. I think you can attach both something that affects everyone and also makes you feel really about it while working towards a nice goal. 

By doing this, it's actually been helping me out a lot in a spiritual manner. This is also something that has been backed by science with some different theories that one can learn about. I'm just trying to apply it in a practical sense to make myself always feel good and excited about it. This is what happens to be working really well with me.

I have been practicing this concept of applying those three different categories of a purpose for each goal that I have and it's been motivating me to stay afloat. This might be something that I can talk about while writing a good self-help book someday. I first desire to reach my success levels before trying to sell my advice for others. 

I am offering it technically free on this sociable personal journal, which is for the taking and hope you can fine tune it for your own improvement. I'm going to also mention that I believe in Christianity and that it's not just about saving grace that Jesus offers. It's also about believing that God will reward you by seeking after Him! Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added onto you. Dead works mean dead faith. These are two verses that I'm well aware of. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Feeling Good Status Update

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm seeing healthy progress with my money making habit from the app I'm playing.


It looks like my skills have been honed a lot better from all the hours I've been putting in from playing this one app to gain some money from competing against others. I'm at about $2300 in gains so far from a few months ago and I didn't put any of my money at risk! I'm not going to reveal the app I'm playing, just for the sake of wanting to say that you shouldn't be chasing after the money, and it should be about finding your niche that you can enjoy to make money. 

After having gone through quite a cycle of some ups and downs, my playing skills have now settled into something more professional and has become more about making optimal decisions to earn a living. I'm looking forward to this app providing me with some financial breaks without looking for any bailout from anybody. 

My purpose is really making a lot of money to help out this world, help out my family and people I care about, and to also live an exciting life. It will just provide me so much confidence to look for a decent and loving chick to settle down with. I also look to double down by keeping my fitness level active to join a healthy community, have the health to physically support my loved ones, and be healthy myself. 

From taking educational online courses, I am looking forward to leading the world in a better place, gaining skills to manage my family better, and have fun! 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Starting to Reach Excitement Levels

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm seeing something useful about how you set objectives.


I think goals can be broken up into reaching milestones. By doing this, I think you just let the excitement keep on building so it's a good thing. I think reaching goals should not really be the end result of what you were looking for. It should really enhance your quality of life and enable you to search for bigger and nicer things. We all have to start somewhere though. I started with absolutely nothing on this app and now I'm around $2100 after a few months of flipping free starting money from the app and getting close to reaching a milestone of $2500. 

I figure that readers are going to want to know what app I'm playing, but once again, I'm not going to reveal it and ask the reader themselves to go find their niche. This app I'm playing could not work out for them like it ended up working for me. I would say to go test the waters and keep up with something routinely until you find what works for you and can be easily improved upon for better results. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sticking to Side Hustle Idea

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I think I'm realizing something useful that I could do now to improve my side hustling.


I have these investing tools in place that I have been just ignoring from thinking like I don't have enough money to play with it. I'm realizing that I could put those tools in practice by doing a demo account just to see how effectively I could use it while I wait for my savings to build up. I think I can maintain it with enough motivation because this is how I've been proceeding anyway with my demo Forex accounts. 

My main app that I'm playing with money now has earnings worth around $2100. I am trying to reach my target goal of $2500 bankroll before proceeding to my next level. 

This is pretty insane in that I have a comfortable system in place that's quite working for me. I'm not going crazy either from going through some losing streak. It's after all free money I earned from competing against others on the app. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Planning Good Side Hustle Future

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm just visualizing once again while reclaiming my wonderful purpose.


I think it's a nice exercise to visualize your wonderful purpose so that you don't go off doing something else that is fun and possibly feel sheepish about it later, if that really wasn't your intention. I think it's important to maintain consistency with self-confidence and low stress levels. 

For some reason, I think you can really practice some mindful exercises to just feel positive emotions and relax no matter what you are going through in life. I know that it may sound contradictory, but you can seriously tune out negativity or even think nothing at all and then start to feed yourself happy and purposeful thoughts to get yourself moving again.