Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Curiousity with New Faces

Imagine this: you meet up with a bunch of new people and then you start hanging out with them. You absolutely know nothing about their past life, but continue to associate with them out of just wanting to. One day, you feel like you have a good understanding of each of their personalities. Perhaps, your single-minded heart wants to captivate one of them who you can't get your mind off of.

I've had the privilege of typing in some of these friend's names on a search engine. I discovered that many of these names come out with some interesting searches. One of these friends have a really unique name and it made me laugh to see his front-page photo in a colorful background. In conclusion to my subjective research, I really question if these friends are more mysterious than meets the eye. For example, could one of them have been actively aspiring to be a CEO for a business? Could another be an extremely well communicator and know a lot of things, even though she always comes out humble? I'm glad these names associate with a lot of positive characteristics. Believers in the name of Jesus tend to have this "Salt of the Earth" mantra. They are numerous and attractive. We all should strive to be selfless individuals with the God-given talents we were all given.