Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Well, that's a nice picture. Okay, is that all I have to put on here for right now. I guess I don't know what else to put except finish up that funny and awfully long and super boring posts on vacating my restraining order. I'm just putting it out because I'm just sharing it. I might as well share some of my files. Eh, I guess I'm not going to try to do something stupid or something that I'll regret and then post it on this blog.

Hmm, I even wonder now if this blog is even worth any value to really place a restraining order on me. I think the two people who placed a restraining order on me really based it off of this blog. I guess I'm just writing stuff that are not really that bad and they just happened to be around to think weird about something.

If you look at it, for every person who acts pretty weird with me I think there's like 50 other people who don't mind talking to me. I read on the blog conduct of rules that there's a freedom of speech and that they can't really do anything about people slandering. Hmm, so what's the point of writing on this blog if every once in awhile I'm writing while not inspired by anything. I might as well just go play and ask those people who placed a restraining order on me to jokingly take some pills after it gets off. When the restraining order gets off for the maximum period, it's going to be highly interesting what happens next when I see them in person. So the next people who think about placing a restraining order are not going to want to place a restraining order on me because I am going to encourage them to hang tough this time around. Anyway have a Happy Easter and hope you have fun and enjoy your company. I say all this while laughing pretty hard underneath.