Thursday, September 6, 2012

Becoming Comfortable

For the most part, I believe that the majority of my thoughts are pretty much not new or anything. It's pretty much stuff that's going on my head and sort of gets me to tick and off of my seat and do something meaningful and well for myself. I've heard that people make at least ten thousand random thoughts a day or some extraordinary figure like that. It's just that I don't remember what I'm thinking half of the time.

I guess by writing- I'm just summarizing the big picture in what I'm thinking and just expressing it while feeling really good. One of the points that I've started to figure out is that there's no need to be nervous about meeting the woman you are interested in especially if you are a man. I used to feel all this nervous energy underneath me from wanting to be accepted and liked. I guess overall when it comes to looks, it all depends on how selfish the person wants to be when taking into account how attractive the person is.

I'm not really depending on looks anymore. I'm looking at something more meaningful on the long run because even though the physical attraction could be pleasurable and fun, I think there's something more long lasting by just genuinly enjoying the person's character and being around the person all the time. If there's a person I could more relate to and provide some balance with my highly restless and aggressive life, then I guess that's the compatibility I'm seriously looking for.

Pretty much a person who hasn't really been there and done that and is someone whose willing to go on an adventure with me- pretty much sentimental stuff like that. I'm pretty much on that type of boat and finding a meaningful and attractive person is something that I seriously no longer can base on how well the person appears to me physically. I'm pretty much just looking at the face or listening to the person so I guess what I'm feeling inwardly when things get exciting pretty much belongs to me and I just want to get the other person all hyped up with me. I can really state so far that a good woman where we are both mutually attracted to each other and come from similar backgrounds and are from around the same age period will provide good balance for me. The woman I'm currently into is a really delicate person too and I'm enjoying my moments of being around her and also getting to think about who she is.