Sunday, March 31, 2013

Finally Dated Someone

I finally legitimately dated someone while intentionally knowing we were dating. There was one time a couple years ago where I was asked out by a girl and I did come, but I didn't think it was dating. I also feel that when a girl pats you on the back while hugging you, then yeah, it means she's your friend permanently or something like that. I think that feeling of how she hugs you can change dramatically.

I used to hate being patted on the back by any girl in general when she hugged me, but now I don't seem to mind anymore when I think about who the girl is doing that to me. I say that with a laugh because I thought guys were supposed to like every single girl in the world they met for just one purpose in general. It looks like it's a lot more complicated than that now for me. I can say that sometimes it's better to go against another person's advice no matter how close the person is, especially if you are not bothered by the situation anymore or will be working hard to be like that in the moment of truth and have a definitive purpose with what you are doing. If it's all legal, no matter how much they are overreacting with you, and you are not bothered by the situation or can handle it in that manner then might as well go for the gold instead of not even placing from being stupid in listening to another person who doesn't really know what he or she is really talking about and can't fully relate to you while making you feel little frustrated underneath.

Finally Winning Silly Girl Fights

The thing I am trying to describe is finally finding success in beating my little sister who is apparently very abrasive in her responses with me. The trick is to pretty much not be bothered by the childish girl even though she is almost thirty years old already (!), and then just persist in being nice to her and just being yourself while working hard at keeping yourself from being angry. In other words, it's to pretty much work hard at not being personally bothered by anything.

It's really difficult to not get angry when other girls are just being abrasive in their responses. It's a really negative resemblance of who they are. No, I do not think they are lovely or cute girls to enjoy liking either. This one book is titled, Why Men Love expletive [Contemptuous Women]. I think that book is wrong to have even originated unless it's a book written mainly with sarcasm as it's main point, then I can see how I could enjoy laughing at the author's remarks.

The thing is though I finally managed to get my little sister to settle down while being angry in a Neanderthal (cave woman) like manner, and I did win a small altercation from her being rude to me. She really deserved it for her own taste of medicine. It was really satisfying to finally win one without having to be rude myself. I finally managed to smoothly control the situation while being the nice person I want to be while being calm and collected underneath. It's a personal work that I managed to finally assimilate into doing.

Putting Desire First

First of all, it's really important to find a desire that can be worked on for obtaining greatness. It has to be something that is part of the person's background. I'm sure that if the person invested all of his or her energy into this desire, then he or she will be able to do well in it. Here's a really stupid example I have, when I dedicated myself to pass the video game "Lion King" on Sega Genesis, my heart and soul was on that video game and after tossing Uncle Scar off the cliff, I was on top of the world in my heart for the moment before realizing that I wasted my time playing that game today! Fortunately, I was really young back then in middle school when it happened even though I was stupid for trying to pass it again when I had college homework to do.

Realizing that I'm not so bothered anymore, it's easy for to let out a very hearty laugh when no one is around at my current home. When no one is around, it's easy for me to practice mocking others who are just plain annoying and idiotic. Mainly, my little sister and some women have had some personal issue with me and are apparently too dumb to try to resolve it with me. These women are the ones I would willingly stick into my friend zone! It's crazy that guys can put some women in their own friend zone. I guess I want to put some dumb girls in my friend zone so that I can just watch out for myself in the future.

Walking In Decent Footsteps

It seems like with my blogging efforts, I'm forgetting a lot of my past thoughts after having tried to forge them on this blog. I'm pretty much the on-the-go and then forget if it didn't stick kind of guy. When I see things logically, I shouldn't really be giving into my feelings. I think the crazy part about some women is that these females might take their feelings and heavily depend on it to outlay their daily lives, which might in some cases be extremely insane! What's even more funny for me to realize is that some women might try to look and be nice, but underneath they are really unstable and angry about life's problems and become so annoying to listen to accidentally while they are bickering about it to their close confidants on their cell phones! I guess some people might find it slightly entertaining to listen to and just don't mind the complaints closing in on them and try to accommodate their needs of being someone who is there for them.

Overall, regardless of whatever happens, it's just playing it smart. I happen to be really funny in a natural way without me really trying that hard. It's fun to be silly at times and just not be bothered about the stressful things that happened in life. I guess for trying to be a responsible adult, I really need that type of personal entertainment sometimes.  

Working Hard For Good Things

I'm now really seeing the benefits of hard work for probably one of the first times in my life. It's sort of pitiful that I have been about being half-hearted about being diligent in my life, ever since high school in an emotional sense. I guess I heard the saying that working smarter and not harder is better. I do believe it is true, but I guess I had a working complex of feeling stuck at my work and going nowhere in my life. I would just feel so pressured day in and day out being so uncertain about my future. I was just so nervous from having a lack of understanding of where I needed to go in life.

I pretty much ended up wasting my days instead of finding a woman to love by downloading movies to watch and playing video games. It eventually became really old for me and just continuously living that lifestyle just felt pretty meaningless for me. Okay, I guess for some people they wouldn't mind making it a profession and there's nothing wrong with that. For myself, I believe it just didn't live up to my true potential and was more of a distraction for me to avoid having to deal with the pains in my life and from being very withdrawn about life.

The funny thing now is that I wouldn't mind playing video games for a little enjoyment once I am maybe to make a very good return in my investments and able to find more free time. Right now, I don't really have time to play video games. Heck, I don't even time to go bug some girls for just being feminine and doing ignorant things to me because of it! It all depends on the situation, but what is great is that I'm no longer bothered about the things that used to aggravate me underneath about these not-so-innocent girls. I can now laugh about it after having learned some lessons and not from being disturbed anymore, I just feel more free in my life to take care of the priorities I desire to fulfill!

Living Up To Priority

I'm seeing now that what I really need to do now is just live for the desires that I truly seek in my life. I mean it's really hard to constantly get to this point of balance in a person's life, but in the end, I think it's really worth going after something that would just be lovely. The example I'm thinking of right now, is a really stocky and ugly but successful Asian guy managing to marry a really elegant and compatible lady.

Another thing I sort of have to relate to is this storyline found in Anime; the show is called Soul Eater. In it, the legendary sword Excalibur (the one supposedly used by King Arthur) is actually a talking character that can be obtained for battling the forces of evil. However, although Excalibur is legendary in its battles and will take out many formidable foes, his personality is very hard to get along with for most wielders of the sword. They usually end up abandoning him because of his great demands being too much for others and just can't stand him from being too annoying.

About this whole Excalibur character being too intractable to associate with, I can sort of relate it to some women. Here's the short imagery- when Excalibur is wielded by legendary heroes such as King Arthur and someone godlike, he makes himself very easy to get along with. I guess when some average dudes try to approach some really beautiful women then they might sometimes be turned down or deal with someone who likes to whine and groan about stuff that the guy doesn't care or want to hear about. However, when the beautiful woman meets her match then perhaps, she might just be like this perfect angel to the man which would be enough to make her other admirers jealous of that lucky man!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fresh and New

The way I'm starting to see things is that everyday is a positive opportunity to gain something significant to satisfy the demands of an individual. Obviously, there is a foundation that I'm sure everybody needs to have in order to progress. Just putting it all together feels so awesome for me!

The things that my puny mind have faced from being selfish, rebellious, and lazy has left me feeling dumbfounded at realizing the wrong I have done in general to myself. For instance, staying up all night just to play a game that didn't lead anymore pretty much took out a couple days to recover before stepping into the real world again. Out of everything that I've done and obviously looking back with a calm and steady heart, I'm noticing that the best things have actually been from being obedient to the Bible. I'm not talking about feeling like I'm better than someone- I'm literally talking about doing what the Bible says verbatim. By doing what Bible told me with those Words, I really didn't follow them fully so I felt dumb from reading the Bible because I didn't feel like following it.

Anyway, long story short, from reasoning my way because I had to in order to try to find some moral sense with the Bible, it actually finally made sense and putting it all together with what I have been learning, things have been actually all right!

Time of Finding Resolve With Anger

One of my friends has told me that when a girl broke his heart, he adopted a philosophy that it is about taking it all and conquering without really having that much regards for other women. I guess some things can scar a person for life. He's a pretty good person, and I don't think he realizes where the doors are open for him sometimes. It must be just the stresses of life and being distracted through wanting to be momentarily happy about stuff. It seems like he's using the excuse of obtaining success as a reason to not focus on his problems.

I finally learned after all these years that it really takes hard work to not let something bother you. All the insides that are part of you and just becoming so agitated and just this hormonal blast that's just dying to be released from the body, man it really sucks to be constantly in that state of mind. I guess that post on "Dealing With Life Successfully" is my way of giving back to people who are able to comprehend the good usage of it. It pretty much is something that I am finally putting together and helping me to focus and concentrate on my work and career while using every brain cell that I could gather in my big head.

Feeling Like Time Slowed Down

This is something that's really cool for me to share. I feel like that there's a lot of time for me to do what I need to do. It came from me waking up in the morning, working out, and then taking a shower. Now, I feel like I have all this excess time to concentrate on the things that I need to. I feel like I could do a lot after waking up in the morning and exercising. I'm going to make it a daily habit for me.

I'm starting to become less aggravated at my own failures and laziness. I have to mention that I am a selfish, lazy, and rebellious person. After having years of being annoyed by my little sister's dumb comments from being so angry in her responses with me, I'm now just opening up my mouth or texting her with my fingers and just typing or saying "Hahahaha" most of the time while being genuine about it.

My little sister can be such a brat in the way she responds. It's like her words in response are like throwing daggers at me. It is so annoying but I'm not bothered by it anymore. Oh well, it is what it is.

Taking Out Excess Distractions

There are a lot of stuff in life that can keep me from getting to where I want to be. I relate to having used to be a very addicted computer gamer. I would pretty much be grinding away my time playing computer games when I could have used that valuable time to earn some money! By me not working, it eventually hit me that I was out of money to buy more cool video games. After awhile, I don't know even though I had those feelings of wanting to play those addicting games, I don't really have that same excitement anymore.

In plain words, I just don't care that I plain suck at video games now. I don't care if other players who are just naturally talented at those games beating me so silly now. I sometimes get that competitive spirit where I want to topple someone at our own game and just start laughing at my opponent's demise. For instance, at a game of checkers on Microsoft Windows, after obviously going to be winning I'll keep on spamming the other guy with messages like "It's your turn!" and "Good move!" while they are not knowing that I'm laughing at them.

Even in writing, after getting so angry at others bagging on my intelligence with insults and hating on my ideas through being angry, I actually wrote one comment that gave me like -100 points and with all these crazy replies from angry people. I engaged in conversation with them and they like shut down with me. It's a lot to learn in life and from being less angry or working hard at not being bothered, it's been a little easier to manage my aggressive feelings with some dumb people. Even my little sister seems dumb to me sometimes and I guess even though it's so annoying that people who are born that way are your family- don't get me wrong, I am a selfish and rebellious person too; anyway, it is what it is!

Driving Away Insanity

The first thing that comes to my mind is how funny I could be to myself without even knowing it when I'm struggling over the most stupid things. When people were going all off tangent and acting really anti-social with me, I guess it really stuck it to them because other people are sort of not associating with them anymore. In a way, they got a taste of their own medicine for being so weird with me.

I'm starting to do the best I can in not getting angry or bothered by some stuff now. I prefer to work hard at not letting those things ruin the mood for me temporarily or even get me to elevate my own blood pressure. My little sister does that a lot and it gets really annoying having to listen to her stupid responses. She has some anger management issues; man, it is so annoying. I'm trying to get a decent conversation going here and getting her to try to catch my drift and giving her enough respect while she would be an understanding person. Nope, not at all; she isn't really that understanding of a person and is just selfish with her angry thoughts.

Now that I think about a lot that has happened and not really afraid of opening up, it just gets me laughing genuinely a lot more at my own thoughts while I'm crying a little underneath. For example, I look at how others stand pretty tall especially other men and when they look down at me to talk in a soft and polite manner, I feel like crying and laughing at the same time for feeling way shorter than them. It is what it is, and I guess it's normal to feel that way sometimes.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dealing With Life Successfully

I think I'm seriously onto something here on how to be successful in life. I'm going to share it to the best of my ability. Basically, I think it's really about garnering the ultimate inspiration for living. I guess in some cases people would want to relate it to having faith in God for support.

First thing, it's to basically not be bothered by anything or work hard at not being bothered by something. People can sometimes be annoying from trying to screw up your life for all sorts of reasons or threatening you in a non-polite way. If you aren't bothered, then when you sense your life is getting bogged down, you won't over-react to the situation and will have a peaceful sense of mind to utilize your talents to get further in life even with those unfortunate setbacks. For a Christian view, it's to pretty much take up the cross and bare all the burdens and then place Jesus first in the believer's life; this pretty much means that when the body or mind wants to do something to take the easy way out but can't see at the moment it's foolish, by placing trust in a peaceful and loving God then the mind is able to relax and come up with superior solutions or amiable alternatives.

The second thing is to pretty much know what you want in life. I think the Bible has a verse that says "Know thyself." If you aren't sure about what you want in life from being really young at heart still, it's to pretty much spend a few moments in a daily fashion when you remember reminiscing on your full desires. Block out the stress levels momentarily and think about what would make you truly happy in life. Everybody has wishes and desires to obtain otherwise it wouldn't be human- don't deny yourself this privilege of just having thoughts of what it is you want; if it's something that depresses you from thinking about it then I suggest you get some professional guidance to get yourself on the right track.

The third thing is to work hard for what you want in life. Working hard is like taking a big step towards investing in the person's daily affairs. It can keep you occupied when life feels a little meaningless at the moment, but it's great to do because you are occupying yourself on the things you want to do.

The fourth thing is to open yourself up and think positive. A verse in the Bible says whatever is lovely, whatever is good think on these things. (Philippians 4:8) Honesty is one of the greatest personal assets for measuring the current situation. By having a positive outlook in life, regardless of whatever situation you are in, there is a greater chance for you to not let that setback cause you to falter even further back. For a possible applicable standard, this is what I did, I took out a sheet of paper and then wrote on top verbatim (!) "Minimum standard to be happy (at least touch these)" and then wrote down all the general categories from personal standards (fun included) to dating someone. Afterwards, I wrote a brief description of what I had to do, for example, "play this group game at a minimum of five times per week." Here's another one, "Before trying to find a cute girl to date, be sure to touch all the other things I want to do." It's a list that states minimum standard to be happy, what fun or interesting priorities could one come up with and brainstorm!

My Full Forex System

From the two years I spent under tutelage of other traders through downloading different systems and reading trading books or watching videos on it, I'm starting to put together everything I want to work with now. I guess from all the time I spent on it, I'm just constantly coming up with new ideas or realizing techniques that could really be powerful. From the way I see it, I just care about making money and using something that will work while complementing my own lifestyle. It really takes a lot of hard work and dedication to figure it out, but it can still be fun.

Basically yesterday while I had down time at work, I put together a list of the subjects that seemed tantamount to trading successfully and then thought about the tools I had which could sufficiently satisfy those requirements. I'm basically going for long term trading, but I think even as a day trader these things are important to keep in mind: Fibonacci levels, chart patterns, candlesticks, ABCD waves, price action, and break out levels.

On those two charts, it pretty much does all the hard work while putting all the requirements I think is necessary and calculations with some minor quirks that I have to work through, but basically the first chart on the left is used for analyzing the market and then the second is used for entering it in a timely fashion. It's like I use tools to read a story of what's going in the current market and then I use tools to gauge how I'm going to enter, exit, or confirm that I'm in a good trade. Overall, I think I'm seriously onto something with this and only time can time what more I'm going to come up with and realize.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

My Latest Forex System

I pretty much prefer to be a lazy but aggressive trader. I am creating a system that pretty much tailors to my needs, while sacrificing some parts others might desire in what they are looking for. I am basically what people would call a swing trader, which is pretty much a term for being a slightly long term trader but not that very long like a position trader. By average, I might average for about a few days per trade if everything is going well for me.

I was really excited to share my really complicated system awhile back, but after tearing it up and trying to revamp it again, I'm back to being pleased with this adjustment. I seem to have a preference for some tools more than others, and I just can't get rid of it. Now, I've added pretty much a quick oversight of how the market is doing to facilitate if I'm going to have a good trade or not. It looks really boring and complicated but to me, this stuff looks really interesting and exciting to me because I'm just addicted to the opportunity that it imposes on me. I guess this is going to be my permanent setup now for me and I'm going to just be messing with it in my demo account daily to feed my urges of trying to be a successful investor for fun!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Creating More Time

I'm realizing that for the time that I've been given, after letting go of some time consuming activities, I realize that I have a lot more time to utilize in the right, practical direction. For the most part, I am communicating with female friends a lot more these days then talking to my normal buddies. I guess that's a change of pace in breaking away from my shyness with the girls. Also, it seems like there's many hidden things that seem like out of proportion or mystical to the point you would wonder why a girl acts a certain way, but it's not really too much of a surprise anymore for me!

I guess it's a good thing with what I'm trying to accomplish. I mean I'm really enjoying the things that I'm setting up and leading myself to get into. It's pretty hard to keep moving forward because I keep forgetting about my motivations. I learned that to apply proper goal setting, people need to keep in mind the right motivations to keep going and to create strategic plans to minimize distractions. It can also be done in a fun way, which I believe to increase more personal participation. It doesn't have to be just plain boring and a lot of stress-inducing thoughts, it can actually be very complementary to the person's life. This is something I'm making an effort to work now. Right now, it's been really mental and trying to get a great jump on how I'm doing emotionally. I guess I'm just self-checking my own progress a lot these days and with this time that I have going, I should utilize the proper procedures to ensure my personal satisfaction.

Moving Forward!

One of my most biggest worries is blowing up my mind circuit by overloading it with endless information! I'm starting to laugh at the thought of it because I forced myself to blow my brains out from having a lack of self-discipline with the time management department. I guess that's probably one of the major differences that could go along with some people. They might get it later in life or maybe they just had it all along and are really smart while having a reason for what they are seeking after.

Along with using a newly added technique for me which is not let anything bother you now, it's making things a lot easier for me to discuss my views with others. Even though people make aggressive accusations against me in a psychologically weird manner, I guess I feel like frowning underneath when they do it, but it's not really bothering me anymore. It's been helpful too for me to not over-react emotionally underneath by not letting those personal jabs get to me. I guess it's going to happen with some people sometimes, but here and there, I must be getting a lot better at staying calm with my assertions underneath and not really worrying about concentrating and voicing my thoughts. I'm starting to get that smile of approval from others now when I'm discussing over some minor disagreements. I guess that's something interesting about me because I'm only bringing up the topics that are very comfortable for me to handle and the ones that I've actually made some preparations for. Maybe, this could be a sign that if I became knowledgeable at a business then my personality might fit in really well with creating very good relationships with clients and business partners.

Accepting Practicality

I think what is really practical about life is being engaged in personal interests and to also make a great mindful habit of assisting others through this interest to make decent trade-offs whether it comes with favorable quirks or not. In other words, from having watched some films depicting on individualism, I think it's great to be at the top without really having to work for it- if it comes naturally, then all power from God's blessing to you. However, that's not how it works because there's also some people who might make failure a personal issue to be depressed over.

I guess it's just part of culture and personal upbringing to make judgement calls on certain traits and to place bias over something. What's pretty hard is that I'm noticing that sometimes we could be overly critical about superficial things. I think overall, I'm pretty much a student of intrigue and because of it, I'm in a constant state of confusion with some things. It's like I'll make resolve but then get back to something I'd have to call my occasional mistress. I don't literally have one per se but I'm just making a symbolic point. I'm just going to have to try to move forward and do the right thing when times are absolutely critical. For myself, I think my issues have actually been pretty comical; with the stuff I have been worried about, I've been such a baby! Now, I'm trying to accept this personal step of growing as an individual and progressing to where I need to be.

Becoming Resilient

There's pretty much this trend of personal suffering that some people can go through sometimes. The best way I think I can describe it right now is that when the going gets tough, the feeling is that it's going to get tougher and not be very pleasing as you would like. Therefore, some people just become lazy and then shut themselves down because they can't handle a personal mental beating. 

I guess resiliency is a really necessary trait for successful people; I personally like to characterize it as strength to carry on. Its actual or logical definition has two similar meanings which is being able to also bounce back from a difficult situation or withstanding something. I sort of have taken notice that some church people have claimed that I kept on justifying myself and couldn't submit to their needs from being an overreacting bunch of twerps! This was at the time where I was trying to be resilient in figuring out what was the source of their distress and just asking questions. I guess a few wrong moves here and there took me out of the running with their lives- moody people aren't always going to think about treating you fairly. When you bunch them all up together in this restless state of mind and they are actually thinking about how to deal with you, well you know how it goes. 

Overall, I'm trying to not be bothered by the situation anymore. Even the annoying advice some people might unintentionally give me, I'm not trying to be bothered by those ideas anymore either. I think it was just happening from me continuously bringing up the subject; maybe, if I truly wasn't bothered by the situation then I wouldn't even keep talking about it. I'm going to have to draw my own personal conclusions about the event that took place and do the best I can to be objective about it, but I think it's been a lot easier these days to manage those negative feelings of bitterness and being let down through actually thinking positive and also finding reasons to not be bothered by my issues with others anymore. 

Not Inwardly Fretting Anymore

Being young and pretty dumb, I used to feel like all hope was lost after seeking to complete a task and not getting to accomplish it in a timely manner. I would then owe it to wasting my time by playing video games and watching pointless T.V. shows. Let's just say, I've been really tempted to get caught up in the flesh and even though, I will never break the commitment I have made with God, a tiny part of me wants to rebel against God at times. As I become more skillful and savvy, I am aware of the places I could go to try to take the easy way out. However, I'm just not that type of person- I prefer to go after the long haul and take a personal journey that's just out of proportion filled with good humor, great fun, and just ingenious!

By iterating these simple and powerful realizations, I've been feeling so dumb about the lifestyle I've lived. I was like trying to live the high life and trying to always humble myself. I was trying to break it down into being this personally fair-minded person. It's been such a challenge for me, but now, it's actually something I really enjoy smiling about for the person I've become. I don't know, when a speaker at church mentions how bad we are as people, I laugh along with a good number of others too. It's not that I disagree, I actually agree that I'm a pretty bad person.

I guess one of the good things or very weird things about me is that I'm starting to enjoy being in the friend zone with many females right now. One of my female friends told me that girls in general are crazy! It's because they could be so moody at times even when they don't intend on it- it's like their bodies are just naturally built to over-react sensitively. I'm starting to understand this part with the ladies in general and frankly, I'm accepting that it's a part of others as well. I try not to show my emotions, but underneath I could be wanting to cry like a big baby too.

Becoming Reorganized

I guess my nature is really developed into seeking after pleasure. Basically, setting goals and getting to accomplish them while being challenged is always a great feeling. I have learned something new about myself in that perhaps, I'm a pretty persistent person and yes, I agree that I can be very stubborn as well. That's pretty much where I have some fun by trying to talk playfully and take pleasure in getting some of my female friends to laugh or smile.

Secondly, it's basically to not be bothered by anything in life. No matter what gets put on you, it's important to try to understand the possibilities of what happened and to be able to do something about it. My personality is just so caught up with selfishness and with this reveling nature. I really need to pursue after my goals and responsibilities and to live up to them. It's becoming more of a reality for me and something I want to pursue after. I think it's just for myself primarily and then about placing cares and concerns for others. I would seriously like to obtain several resources so I could help the people I care about or engage in promoting welfare for others.

Living In Reality

I'm now thinking that the minority can totally shape how the world is normally run. The flip side is that the majority outnumbers the minority by a lot and so the question would be, are they doing the right thing and is it something I shouldn't indulge myself in? It's really hard to say because after watching a few Chinese films, it totally depicted how the world can be a very messed up place for the common people.

I have learned something really important to my walk. These days after having failure in being attentive to getting taught, I'm starting to naturally be able to listen and be a more actively engaged student. I'm now doing my homework and making all these careful considerations before even taking a step further. Something really cool that I learned is that talented people aren't going to over-react because they aren't going to be bothered by the problems that get forced upon them. Instead, they are going to be able to do something about it with their creative minds and focus on doing the right thing.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Forming Great Habits

Talking about my last post, to summarize, I've basically been screwing myself over from thinking about very highly unlikely desires that I wish to obtain. It's just plain stupid for me to continue lingering longer with those lustful thoughts that won't ever come to pass. I'm basically thinking about the type of girl I want to get married to and from doing a little reading around, it hints that the type of girl I would ideally desire is almost nonexistent. I might as well just accept it that the right type of girl that I truly long to be with will never surface because when I do the math, she is a person who would be in the absolute minority and along with how there's a lot of competition with other guys who would want to chase after her, I guess it plays out that I'm going to be left out.

I take it that my wholesome appeal isn't really something that wouldn't cater to the desires of a super majority of attractive women. At first I couldn't really accept this fact, but whether I like it or not, I'm pretty much suffering from having not tried to face my own reality. Therefore, now I humbly accept my situation and my place. I'm just thinking that it's probably better for me to think about how the majority feels whether than take it to focusing on a minority because it would surely save me a lot of time figuring out things and also be a lot easier. I don't feel depressed or anything, but rather relieved to be focused on truly living freely while being myself and taking the opportunity to grow as a person whenever I can while seeing it in a fun way!

Becoming Practical

I'm realizing for the lazy, rebellious, and stubborn person I am, I'm sometimes caught up with thinking about obtaining unrealistic outcomes that are just far out of my reach. I guess I've done enough growing up to not be that worried about feeling left down now. This is pretty cool, but I think I'm learning to really manage my feelings very well and to be accepting of my personal situations. I'm starting to gain those little extra realizations in my slight screw ups- that's what I presume people would call experience!

I see that discipline is just a matter of pushing myself when I have the ability to do so even under those moments where I'm just completely stuck up in my own personal bubble. It's just making that effort even though it seems so little and feels like I'm putting in a lot of my focus into it. From having been a weird person since high school, I've had a lot of personal behaviors to unlearn. I'm finally coming to a heart's realization through experience and mentally coming up with very good reasons to let go of the things in the past that are keeping me from progressing further. It's time for me to make strides and to try to live like there's no tomorrow and do everything that I can in the now. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Balancing Work and Rewards

This is something new that I'm going to try. It's a really simple system that I conjured from reading up on time management. I guess it's always been in the back of my mind, but I just don't do this on a daily basis because my feelings are just worn out. I think I should overcome my negative feelings which make me very unproductive and learn to just suck it up in life when things are just not going the way I want them to.

There's pretty much two steps to my system of managing time- I just love keeping it simple! I remember one of my math professors for Linear Algebra just constantly reiterate how easy and simple those complicated math problems were. Man, it was annoying and for the F I received in the class, I just took it like a man and aced the class the second time around. I seriously did not know what I was doing but just mindlessly following a set of rules like a drone. I guess sticking to a system even without understanding it can provide some sort of relief in life, but seriously get some help if you can when that happens.

Managing Time Plan

1. Get a piece of paper to scribble on. Divide two sections of the paper and on one side put down the absolute musts in your life (e.g. school, work, and current obligations such as needing to hit the gym). For the other side, make a list of the fun necessities in your life like you seriously need this to complement your lifestyle such as T.V., playing video games, or going out on dates! Here's what my list looks like:

School                                                                                  Checkers
Work Out/Health                                                                  Blog
Work                                                                                    Piano
Study Language                                                                    Date

2. For the first pile- pick something from that list and get to working at it. After completing it or if you think you deserve a break, reward yourself with like a game of checkers or something fun of that sort. Try to go pick up a date or something. Basically, don't spend so much time on the fun pile. I limit the time I spend blogging, but have to watch out for blowing my time playing my piano because it's so fun and addicting to mess around on it and play stuff that annoys your neighbors and siblings.

Something Old To Reconsider

I think this is pretty much an old thing that almost everybody should already know. It's pretty much about honoring something greater than us. Wouldn't it just be great and a lot easier in life to have something that would never fail us and something we could depend our whole life on for everything we needed and to also place our utmost respect towards? I guess that's why some people choose to become dependent on their faith from the moment they felt they perceived the light.

What I'm trying to point out is that for the selfish, rebellious, and stubborn person that I am, it really isn't about me. I realize that I'm more willing to get away with things in life rather than be this goody two shoe person others try to take advantage of for their needs. Because of this, I'm starting to think that it's about going after living out the pure heart's intentions of carrying an honor system. As long as the intent is made clear and known, it shouldn't matter what the end result is. I mean it's good to place full effort, diligence, and concentration towards achieving a favorable outcome, but it's already sufficient to make that conscious effort on a daily basis.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Adjusting Lifestyle To Fit Priorities

Timing everything right is pretty much king! I pretty much worded another commonly known saying Time is money! In a way, I believe that it's a lot harder to personally see how to effectively manage your time if you are a young brat who graduated from high school and just like staying up playing video games. I actually knew this one guy who was like that and another person who was actually me!

It's great to be ignorant about life and not even care about how others are just isolating you while you are having all the fun in the world competing against other gamers for pride and affection among them. It was pretty much a phase for me and now I'm opening myself up to the real world and feeling happy at the thought   of settling down with someone nice. I don't really have anyone at the moment because it seems like I can't really fathom dating someone cute who is like ten years younger than me; it just feels weird- try being Tom Cruise for a change who was married to the beautiful Katie Holmes and where their age difference is about twenty years! Wow, it seems like Tom Cruise is never getting any older and just staying immortally young- I guess that's the deception Hollywood wants others to think.

At a nutshell, it seems pretty depressing to have no outlook of marrying the ideal person for myself. The dating hopefuls on the Internet seems to be tough and selective with the criteria they are looking for too. However, what sucks is that I'm actually born to marry someone eventually. I just know this because I can't run away from the thought of how pretty some girls are in general or how I've been captivated by a couple of them. I guess it's just a natural thing to eventually grow up and take on these grown up responsibilities while raising a family of your own. The thing that currently bugs me the most right now about dating is ending up with a person who just feels like a lifetime apart in the age category. I just don't even know how they did that human-vampire relationship on the movie Twilight!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Balancing Workload

The definition of work is a really exemplary symbol of all the effort that goes into making something good happen. Its definition according to Google is activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. Basically some things are obviously greater than others and I guess people can go all off in tangent with trying to debate about what's better or not. In other words, it's just all fun and games in the end and something to laugh about while others are just messing with each other. 

Overall, I believe that it's actually fun to be a workhorse! Like all these baseball pitchers who probably worked their butts off to finally get a no-hitter, the reward of something great like that is just the emotional uplifting and spiritually joyful upraising for the rest of the person's life. Even it's just worth to go through all that length and to do it in a proper sense to even score the hottest girl in the world! 

Believe it or not, when guys are playing video games they are actually working! It's just so funny to think about it if you are a girl who hates video games in general. These guys are so spoiled and selfish about winning at Call of Duty! Maybe, some of these guys might have some mental issues not being able to get a real-life job or anything, but still my point is being made that most people like to work. Even one of my closest friend's lame twin brother has to challenge himself daily by working out and playing Halo while ignoring the fact that his life is completely going to shambles! It's sort of scary, but at least he's dumb as a door nail because he wouldn't be able to pull the trigger when you tell him about how many people died or got caught trying to fight law enforcement. It's funny that even though his life is really insignificant, he doesn't want to be considered another statistic. He has pride in living his life because his daily job is to pretty much do chores around the house for his mother, work out, and play video games and then eat or sleep! Staying a kid at heart is sometimes a nice thing if you can't hack it in the real world. Overall, I don't really feel bad for him because in a way, that's how he raised himself to be and that's just the outcome of how he's supposed to become. He can't score any girlfriend no matter how hard he tries, so he's pretty much going to be that 10-year old bully who is jealous of other guys who have girlfriends, but at least he's harmless after talking all big and mean because he can't take it all the way. 

Work Hard Play Hard Mentality

I remember one of my high school teachers stated that U.C. (University of California) students have this mentality of working hard and playing hard. I'm actually starting to get to that position in my life now. What I see as fun is pretty much minor influences in my life which I feel something with. It's like I really need to engage in those small things to be able to identify with something. For myself, it seems like issues that seem really testy for me are the ones that I love to have fun dealing with. I'm just weird like that, I guess, so if anyone has a problem with me, he or she is really going to feel something with me when I am around the person. I'm also the one whose really stubborn about getting away with something if the person is just naturally bothered by my presence. All in all, it's just about having fun for me and I'm not even trying to upset their life or anything; they just let themselves hang themselves with great lengths while I'm trying to get them to not do anything to harm themselves. 

Now I know where I'm really weird in my life dealing with insincere and annoying people. Hopefully one of these days, I won't get shot, hung, or burned with them forming a mob against me. Actually, I'm not even out there to screw anyone over. I guess it's not really a likelihood of it happening to me. I'm always going to be that guy who counters negative situations going against myself, even if it frustrates anyone. Heck, even my worst enemy will end up liking me for my occasional shenanigans. It's just a part of me that originated when I was feeling like a deer standing in front of oncoming headlights during social situations. The fear underneath me caused me to labor hard to stand tall and brave in those unsettling social moments I had going for myself; I just hate standing there and watching myself getting screwed over. It's really annoying!

Prioritizing Over Minor Influences

In life, I'm sure that at least some people like myself who don't really think about what they are doing to have fun because it's generally a happy routine that's going on for them. At the same time, I'm sure there are a few exceptional people who just feel bothered about their situations in life and are trying to occasionally make an effort to get out of it. 

I'm finding myself drawn to the lesser influences in life to keep myself occupied. For instance, when I could be striving towards a better today and studying hard to make a good attempt for a major development, I'm setting my mind out to foolishly have fun hanging out or watching mindless T.V. shows. 

This is something that has been under my nose, but I'm now recovering it. It's to pretty much make priority over the most important influences in your life and to be happy over them. If you are like me, you will constantly be making changes to your priorities and schedules to try to end that constant madness that seems neverending. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Building Strong Foundations

During some downtime at work, I managed to research a little up on my dream occupation. From being almost thirty, I'm going to be a realist now. I do have a college education, and I am interested in pursuing a graduate degree which would open a door for a very lucrative position. I mean, who really isn't when he or she is career-minded? 

My dream job doesn't really have all the necessary and attractive attributes that would ensure absolute job security for me. From doing a little looking around with my googling skills, I couldn't really find that many entry-level positions open for it so it seems like I'm going to have to stick to what I have going on for myself now. 

At the bare minimum, I can say that I have some job security at the moment and that there's room for me to advance in my career. I pretty much have been given an open door to some opportunity with making money. It's pretty excellent. I'm a little too careless right now, but I'm really working towards a better and brighter day. One of those days, everything is going to start to click and all my efforts are going to make me the balanced person I'm looking forward to. Right now, for myself I could sure use more work on myself and now I very active in these choices. It's great to have friends to hang out with and all too, to just let go of the stresses of managing myself temporarily. One of these days, I might truly have to establish a good family with a decent spouse. I think I would seriously enjoy almost every moment with the times that are good and give all my efforts to providing well for it.  

Focusing On Priorities

Something that sort of bothers me pretty much are those who are living on the streets and can't really fend for themselves. While being physically able, it really sucks that there are people out there who can't suck up the harsh reality of actual living and go after what truly needs to be done. I think it's great to really have a busy schedule and be mindful of personal things to be occupied with, but it's really sad for those who aren't able to establish basic necessities. 

It really doesn't matter how many good people there are in this world, because I think the majority of the people are actually selfish. Still, I'm just one of those people who want to be compassionate about the important things in life. Heck, I'm not even the jealous type person. I guess my personal feelings have priorities over how I want to live my life over the actual existence of living. Because of this, I'm sometimes wallowing in my beautifully gifted intelligence about my selfish desires and not paying attention to anything else. 

I'm realizing that these personal issues that I've been suffering over are actually not so bad as I thought they were initially. Overall, it really doesn't matter what the end result is but it's just a way of living through personal preference. I must be weird in this area but I enjoy trying to take advantage of people who are bothered by me, and even though I was really sensitive with them in how they were seeing life with their distressed emotions, I see that it's not really that bad in actuality and that it really doesn't matter what they end up doing to me. I'm not the annoying type, neither the depressed coward. 

I'd like to really have my life all together with all of my personal ambitions being fulfilled before I add in the weird niche I really like to waste time over in my life. It's just taking managing my time properly and executing proper micro decisions. Overall, there's pretty much a balance that I am going after now.