It really doesn't matter how many good people there are in this world, because I think the majority of the people are actually selfish. Still, I'm just one of those people who want to be compassionate about the important things in life. Heck, I'm not even the jealous type person. I guess my personal feelings have priorities over how I want to live my life over the actual existence of living. Because of this, I'm sometimes wallowing in my beautifully gifted intelligence about my selfish desires and not paying attention to anything else.
I'm realizing that these personal issues that I've been suffering over are actually not so bad as I thought they were initially. Overall, it really doesn't matter what the end result is but it's just a way of living through personal preference. I must be weird in this area but I enjoy trying to take advantage of people who are bothered by me, and even though I was really sensitive with them in how they were seeing life with their distressed emotions, I see that it's not really that bad in actuality and that it really doesn't matter what they end up doing to me. I'm not the annoying type, neither the depressed coward.
I'd like to really have my life all together with all of my personal ambitions being fulfilled before I add in the weird niche I really like to waste time over in my life. It's just taking managing my time properly and executing proper micro decisions. Overall, there's pretty much a balance that I am going after now.