Friday, November 20, 2015

One of the Most Important Realizations Ever

Apart from realizing, Jesus is the way, truth, and the light. God sent Himself while being flesh and blood and was a perfect being because God can only do the impossible. God did this through being His Son Jesus and saved His believers from condemnation. That pretty much means everything to me, so I choose to worship God through believing upon Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit.

However, there's something personal about my flaw that I just realized and have been developing at while giving effort. I've become a much nicer guy from trying to man-handle my own emotional disturbances. Basically, my personality flaw that causes disruptions in my personal relationships is from being annoyed at people and just texting them anything that bothers them. Why would I do that? Because it makes me laugh so hard and then I become cool with the person again. The other person doesn't like it and tries to chase me away from his or her life.

I've finally received help from what I believe God in this matter, just to come to the realization. Now, I'm making an effort to change my ways so I can be a better witness to these people I struggle in having a nice relationship with.

Another side note, my main reason for writing this deep post was because I was thinking about this friendly girl I was able to be around as just an acquaintance. I'm thinking I could marry her right now and have so much fun each night after going out doing something. I'm just putting it in Disney terms to sound still appropriate because it's funny to me! I know readers know what I'm talking about here. Anyway, I'm attracted to her and don't even know if she already has a boyfriend in mind that she's going to marry. Anyhow, just right in the nick of time, I realized my relationship crashing flaw from help above and so I'm going to work hard to make this second nature where I won't be sending texts while I'm annoyed at someone. I don't want to do this to her friends and then lose a decent opportunity; that would suck. I'm going to have to prove that I'm a changed man not just to her, but to everyone affected by me because of it. If I can do this, then I think I'm the nicest and coolest guy in the world for the job of having fun with her each night while married! Okay, maybe that's too much probably like once every two or three days to some degree.