I believe that a large portion of having fun and ending up happy will really come from investing in your personal life. Unfortunately, some people are pretty dumb like one of my buddies and he just keeps on thinking about how others are out to get him when he really isn't much of an appealing target to begin with. I guess he has psychological issues and it's mainly from him not having that much intelligence and trying to live on survival instinct so he's practically wasting energy on those thoughts when he could be placing the negative focus to build upon himself. He just can't do it and has a permanently, fixed mindset so there's really not much I can do about it, after all this time with trying to encourage him. I'm not going to be the man to change him, but I do make honest remarks with him that make me laugh and from my last comments I texted him, he's gone quiet with me!
I haven't had much close interaction with guys lately, but been with girls. I love being friends with girls! It's a proper step in my personal journey with eventually finding my ideal single girlfriend to date and marry. I just need to have the money by the time I'm actually able to land her when I'm an old man. To conclude upon the buddy, I think I just need to leave him alone for him to get so scared about his own mess that he realizes it was nothing after all, which would make him mad at himself for a second and then laugh about it silently which is what he does to himself regularly.