Sunday, June 7, 2020

Committing to a Little Thing

I'm still having trouble with doing a few simple things I want to set myself out to do. I guess on the long run it really does come down to having a proper mindset with a positive attitude even when it feels like things are bearing down on you and getting so boring. It's a tough state of mind for one to wake himself out of, but needs to be done for living a beautiful life!

First off, there needs to be self-awareness of this state of mind that's happening and then secondly, it's just walking towards the right path. Sure, there are other competing factors that go on so it does make sense for some to hire a life coach if there's something bigger going on underneath. It seems like I have no problems with being a nice guy, but what's not to like about me is when I can become so persistent and annoying at a low level with someone. I drive them so crazy and I acknowledge that I can be their source of stupid insanity! I say stupid crazy because it's not really that bad to talk about but their feelings are going haywire from having other competing interests come forward and arranged differently from intricate layers that have been woven from experiencing several ups and downs in life. It's just normal to not really think about it, unless you're just naturally a sensitive person who cares about what you say and do around others with every minute detail. It's like the dominant crazy side comes out of them and starts ticking me off. I'm labeling it crazy nowadays because it helps me calm down and feel bad for them and that's really the only reason for all of this mess I've been through. It's that I couldn't accept it back then and that's what was so hard to accept. 

Yet, being redirected with putting my faith and trust in the Lord through some devotionals that were brought to my attention by a lovely person, it really did give me in a sense this godly form of relief and putting life into true perspective. I believe it was something supernatural that occurred from the Holy Spirit. It was an amazing connection that I went through and something so wonderful to have gone through. The Word of God is truly this powerful and it's not like I forced myself to give the Lord a chance. It just happened and this amazing Spirit of the Lord did its work. The truth really is people who tick you off are totally crazy or whatever negative thing you want to call them, as long as you can release all your anger and resentments on them momentarily and willingly able to work at getting along because it's morally the perfect thing to do. It might even be a form of being quick-tempered. A lot of times I'm just quiet with him or her because I'm constantly thinking when the right time to make my move is. Well with family, it seems like a waste of time to continue arguing over something senseless while thinking he's crazy but it's not like I'm still looking to squash him anymore! I'm already a pretty fearsome fellow when I show a decent portion of my anger because I have enough I.Q. to work with. I'm going to stay cool and not bully around people I think are crazy, which could practically be everyone else. I will instead be tactful for maintaining a cool relationship with them.  

This being said, it's back to learning to consistently add on brushing my teeth one more time a day just to practice dental recommendations and have my teeth feel so sparkly while licking them afterwards in time. It's like consistency is hard work and a positive buildup, so being lazy or forgetful won't contribute to this and cause an unwanted side effect of bad breath!