Thursday, April 29, 2021

Making Money Systematically

From having invested for half a year and to perform about twice as better than the NASDAQ and DOW indexes so far, it feels pretty good. I don't even have a $100,000 investment portfolio account yet, but it will get there in maybe a couple years at this point from contributing to it every month. I'm not a huge gambler at all, but have become accustomed to accepting a moderate amount of risk. 

I really don't know too many people who are open to putting some of their hard-earned money on the line. Yet, it's like if they have a friend who became successful and then regret not having done so in the past, then it's just a lost cause for the successful friend to brush aside. There's also going to be a risk of uncertainty involved and I conclude that it's not going to be for everybody. If the person can be happy without investing personal money into stocks or other financial markets besides owning a home, then I'm not in the mood to be of any annoyance. It's just that if that person ever becomes jealous with me or has personal regrets, then he or she is being dumb about it! 

I'm always going to feel average about this whole becoming a millionaire, owning a nice home, and managing life with a good wife and interesting kids. If anyone doesn't get to that point, then I think the person isn't living the average life. However, if the person is already happy where he or she is at, then I don't see anything wrong about it. If not, the person is just being dumb. It's really all that black and white to me now.