Friday, September 17, 2021

Pressing Onward

I think I'm not quite so bugged about people having been so stupid in my past. I'm pretty weird in that I don't mind talking about these incidents with them. It's like they are more bothered about it than I am because they are the ones complaining about me bringing it up with them. I find it to be funny with how they are acting, so I might as well just keep on calling them stupid in person until they accept what I'm doing to them and next just avoid me or go along with my schemes that I will be forcing them into! 

It took a while to gain enough self-confidence, and what I think it took was just having an ongoing positive and diligent attitude. It feels hard sometimes and is quite easy to forget about what you are trying to accomplish and succumb to some fun mind-numbing activities that won't make you progress much further in life. I guess it also takes some self-realization with what you are doing to continue improving yourself.