Sunday, June 30, 2024

Showing Improvement

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm starting to grow healthier in my communication.


I think it's neat that all of a sudden, I can be comfortable with others the way I wish to be. A lot of it really helps from feeling leveled and in a mood for laughing at my own truthful downfalls. I don't see it as a negative thing because it's more about seeing things in a more manageable setting. It feels better to accept any bad situations from having a good laugh about it. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Taking Things Little By Little

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I'm building up earnings doing what I enjoy. 


It looks like I'm making some type of earnings that's building up and leaving me satisfied in a daily fashion. I believe that I will soon have earned this financial independence from what I have always been seeking and then be ready to look for the right woman to settle down with. 

I'm looking to possibly donate quite a lot in favor of paying a lot of taxes and looking for deductibles! 

Friday, June 28, 2024

What Has Been Working

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I have very optimistic feelings that feel realistic over achieving my dreams.


I just learned the gist of a new strategy that I have been putting off looking at for a while called Design Thinking. It caters to how the individual can achieve a happy outcome for themself. One of the principles that it uses is to reframe limiting beliefs and also create multiple possible outcomes to test out. It seems like it's designed to keep the individual motivated and continuing to stay active about reaching their goal. I really like it!

I'm really excited to be able to take these wonderful personal development courses because they have great insight that I wish I was able to pick up on earlier. It's sort of like the mentoring that I have always been seeking all my life. My belief in the Holy Bible tries to supersede everything else though. I found my faith in Christianity works out for me and also makes me undeniably happy.  

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Finding Something Reliable

  4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I am on my way to increasing my earnings.


It feels really nice from doing something on the side and seeing an increase in my earnings, apart from my regular job. It's like I feel more independent to be able to make a little extra money right now. I have some wonderful plans that I intend to do with the money I earn. I'm just going to keep on moving forward and continuing to learn how to make myself happier all the time. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Finding Joy in Doing Good Work

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I just feel great to be alive in general.


Right now, I have these really positive emotions that just keep on getting better from educating myself on personal development. I don't think I will ever stop trying to learn for my own benefit. 

I really want to continue to build my interests and form some income streams so that I can afford to enjoy a nice life. I seem to be connecting a lot better with good things.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Working With Fun Side Hustles

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I am enjoying the present while working on these side hustles.


What's great is that I learned about the usefulness of something called design thinking. It's basically a set of working principles that's catered to the individual and leads them to whatever they wish to work on. The basics on it aren't really that hard to practice and make sense for me.

The main highlights are thinking in a more productive manner while empathizing with yourself, defining the problem, brainstorming ideas, actively exploring these solutions, and then testing it out to make the right adjustments. I already find it to be a great and meaningful set of mental tools!

I used some of these principles on my confused close friend, and it led to her telling me what was bugging her and then getting her to understand my closing arguments which still made her a little mad! It turned out to be a lot better than all the other stupid arguments we have had with each other. She might think we're like siblings, but we've actually become far from it and she even mentions now we're just close buddies. I think she's been pretty careful about not mentioning that we're siblings so far, but it looks like our conduct towards each other and natural gravitation with spending time and having fun shows that we're getting to know each other while just being friends. 

I really think she's scared to find out what's going to happen if she mentions I'm like a brother to her again. She has been separating me from her own family though, and I think it's been happening because of our sharp, personal differences in politics and religious beliefs. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Keeping Up Good Development

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I am really starting to thrive in life for real.


Everything just feels like it's falling into place for me. It's not so much of a matter of thinking what should be happening. It's more like putting yourself in a position of how you are in the right place. I don't think you can really force anyone to be that way, if you really care about someone. It would probably help a lot to get them some inspiration and assistance. 

I think a lot of it really starts from your brain and how you feel good with yourself consistently. I think a lot of the problems that hinder us can be reframed into something more exciting, fun, and thoughtful to keep us moving forward. I have seen some examples of it being used, and it's so wonderful to learn to put it into practice regularly now. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Clean, Simple, and Effective Dating Advice

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I found something I believe is pivotal for my future love life.


It's applying Daniel Porot's Pie Method to the dating world. I think this really can't get any more simple than this. 

  •  How do you get into this line of work?
  • What do you enjoy about it?
  • What's not so great about it?
  • What's changing in the sector?
  • What kinds of people do well in this industry?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Moving Forward

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I am feeling great about moving forward with my daily tasks.


Honestly, I feel really pumped up and joyful about fussing over the little things because they feel like big wins to me. It's these really positive thoughts about how I'm schooling someone and in an arrogant fashion. I really try to keep this side hidden but it's irresistible for me to share my personal joy with others sometimes. With my closest friend right now who is a girl, she likes to stay mostly quiet with me when I text her about these things. I'm mostly expressing genuine laughs in my texts and she tries to act like she's perplexed or expressionless with me. 

Boy, my closest friend can be annoying sometimes, but I've been getting around from mainly sharing personal laughs with her and being completely straightforward. I'm not getting in trouble with her, and she thinks I have a decent heart. I think this formula is working out for me to deal with all the stupidity and annoyances people have unknowingly put out to my face. It's like my friend is more content to not talk about my personal life that much anymore, since I seem to be doing so well to her, despite not having just one thing she thinks is the best thing for normal people. 

I don't think anything is wrong with her physically. I don't mind how she always looks even when she's showing off her aging features with her mean morning look and intentionally covering herself like a nun. We get along well as roommates and I'm sure we would be compatible partners, but I just don't really feel like I'm into her because in my opinion, she's just too stupid to want to become like that for great reasons. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Keeping Good Feelings Alive

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I am naturally feeling content with where I'm at in life.


It's quite strange in that my past soulmate turned into a bitter and stressed out lady with anger issues while being diagnosed with possible BPD. She became too annoying to be around for me, so I'm not really socializing with her anymore. She sort of put the circumstance on herself from pursuing after things selfishly for her own happiness and then it turned out to not work out for her. I hope she gets cured permanently from her mental illness someday. For now, she's super annoying for me to be around!

I really wasn't ready to be with her when she gave me the signal. I was also in my shallow state of mind from wanting a better looking girl to be with! Nowadays, I think girl appearances can be acceptable enough to have consistent pleasure with if you know what I mean! 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Personal Stability

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I am finding a lot of personal happiness with what I'm currently focusing on.


What's bringing me a lot of satisfaction right now is how I'm making money on my own consistently without relying on anybody else. Besides working at my current job, I find my side hustle to be much more fun and fulfilling for me. The irony is that my side hustle is making me a lot less money than what my day job position offers me. I'm hoping that this will flip in my favor so that I will no longer need this day job just to help pay my bills. 

I'm still playing with my apps and bringing in a few cents of change daily to add to my savings without hardly putting in any effort. One app has allowed me to accumulate a few dollars a day which came from an initial daily playing bonus. I have been able to flip 40 cents to over $275 now. I have done a little research on math as well, and it's been enhancing my skills while having fun at it. 

From being successful at making a little money rapidly at something else besides my current work which felt like it was handed down to me, I feel so much more confident from having finally landed on something that feels like gold territory. This is all just the beginning for me, as I work on establishing more reliable income streams that interest me. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Continuing to Work At Reaching Main Goal

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain being a family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. Five criteria to look for:  I'm just looking for 1.) a sexy lady who is 2.) laid back, 3.) she wants to be with a guy,  4.) cares about personality more than appearances, and 5.) is usually interested in getting intimate just for fun! I'll be happy to settle with one of those women for the rest of my life.
  2. I want to be rich from trading and investing in options, stocks, and Forex. Eventually, I want this to also include some real estate and bonds. I also want to make a lot of money from getting involved in IT which focuses on software engineering, IT security, and database administration. 
  3. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  4. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  5. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  6. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  7. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Conduct regular hygiene. Take a shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  9. Read something from a book. I must commit.  
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

My Top 10 values are in order
  1. Faith
  2. Love, Happiness, and Joy 
  3. Personal freedom
  4. Balance
  5. Understanding
  6. Health
  7. Strength and self-reliance
  8. Inner harmony
  9. Goodness
  10. Enjoyment
I see myself as a fit and cut up dude enjoying physical intimacy with a beautiful woman who is my faithful wife and she's loving every second of it, too! I am also a rich man with successful results that are visible while managing any personal hassles or adversity with positivity that is second to none. I make money while having a lot of free time on my hands. 

Affirmations of what I want:
  1. I am married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and now has this undying love and companionship with her and maintaining a family as a wealthy man! I have chosen and am loved by this woman.
  2. I am now averaging reading at least thirty books a year!
Affirmations of what I want to believe:
  1. I am always fully happy with what I have going on in life.
  2. I am capable of not feeling hurt or bothered by others.
Affirmations for compelling visions:
  1. I have a purpose for living.
  2. I visualize my dreams with clear and specific goals in mind.
Affirmations for thinking, speaking, and affirming into existence:
  1. I have control over my thoughts and stay focused on my affirmations.
  2. I enjoy thinking with optimism and a cheerful heart.
Affirmations for connecting to the heart:
  1. I keep myself open-minded to finding my woman.
  2. I am pursuing things that really matter to me the most.
Affirmations for acting:
  1. I am taking action right away without letting it linger.
  2. I let myself accept great opportunities when the situation arises. 
Summary of personal tasks:

Trading/investing, doing work, working out, growth stretches, ab belt workout, push ups/pull ups, facial product, showering, brushing teeth twice, reading, homework, and other errands. 

Summary of interpersonal goals:

Work on close friendships and love.


Bare minimum statement:

The bare minimum things that I want to do on a regular day is invest/trade, read, clear out email clutter, workout, conduct good hygiene, and work on an online course. I no longer feel bad about trying to make money through investing and trading. I'm pretty much happy being a nobody in those sectors and don't need anyone really supporting me with how good or bad I'm doing. As long as I make enough to get around with my fat lifestyle then I'll be happy to be maintaining it when I get there. 


Current philosophical approach:

1. There are two extreme and opposite personalities when having relationships with others: toxic independence and codependency. The balance happens from landing somewhere in the middle.

2. It takes self-realization and self-discipline to respond to a common cue in a better way and change the bad habit.

3. I have four affirmations that go in order for dealing with anything that bothers me, no matter how small or great:
  1. Make sure your heart is coming from a good place.
  2. Always put on a good show.
  3. Limit codependency and/or give better advice to someone annoying.
  4. Be funny! 

End Game Mode

1. Get rich through trading and investing.
2. Work out to earn a decent amount of muscles and nicely defined abs.
3. Stay happily married. 


Steps Being Taken to Get to 'End Game Mode'

1. Emotional intelligence and inner strength are the most important attributes to obtain before proceeding further. 

2. Becoming rich will fund your desired activities like giving back to charities or doing expensive healthy activities like traveling to do cool stuff with the best gear and hiring some good guides along the way. 

3. Having a fit body is the next best thing you can do for yourself, after acquiring enough mental strength and emotional intelligence.

4. My goal is finding a hot wife I can be comfortable settling down with for the rest of my life! 


What did I do right today?

I am continuing to work on reaching my goal.


I think today is just one of those days where I just want to be straightforward like I usually am on other days. I'm trying to make a lot of money, so I can have fun and move on to my next step for my ultimate game plan. 

Some people have tried to question me and see if they can get me to budge because they seem to think what I'm doing is dumb and taking too long, but I still haven't. Well, the good thing is that I'm starting to see some life with what I've been working on.