Friday, October 19, 2007

Holding Our Regard For Christ

A sense of sight is what we all possess to a larger degree in others. The ultimate source in our lives has to be truly the Bible. The most accurate translation right now is King James version and is capable of delivering sound doctrine to the maximum effect. Other translations are out there too and helps for applicable purposes.

What I have found difficult in my life is the act of sitting there and reading the Scriptures daily. It's been hard for me because a lot in my life are constantly battling against me to ignore my daily nourishment. I've been falling back on my teachings in childhood and really doing the best I can to discern where my faith lies at. I chose to follow Christ at an early age and did not have any desire to read the Bible. Keeping this basic fact in my life, I grew up feeling unattended to by the Lord. I always possessed some moral type of character that told me something I was doing was wrong. This conviction really made me feel guilty and thought no one could possibly move on to greater crimes because of these things. I always felt some people had a type of ignorance under their blissful anger. I noticed this type of character in some kids; I just kept quiet most of the time and so did not cause any commotion. One friend did bring up my issue of being taciturn; perhaps, it was my ignorance and attempt to be self-confident in my times of disappointment that caused him to turn bonkers with me in middle school! Perhaps, the devil had been following me around to try to stir up terror in my life as a growing child. He also may have tried to tap into my anxieties by using others to excel and trying to influence me to have fun and not get anywhere with life.