Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Capturing Today

I'm realizing that my head is not really all that bright all the time. I guess I have some issues with certain people because they seem to think that I was doing something, but all along it was not even in my interest to do those things. Oh well. I need to basically find a way out because it's affecting me from finding a job right now. I have called them up with a private phone that is hard to trace on a cell phone because they had blocked my original cell numbers. It's pretty cool that I'm not sharing the number with them even though I could which would be funny then because I'm sure that they would block it on their phone just because they want to be selfish about the situation.

My prayer is basically for me to get this restraining order off so that I can get a job right now. I already know that Chris, Jarred, and Betty are wrong about the situation. It's just coming up with a solution fast so that I can benefit myself and get a job to work now. I'm planning on trying to get it off to the best of my ability now.