Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ready To Dive In

Hey, if I don't do something with my life right now then I'm pretty much wasting it away. I should start being very diligent and smart about this now. I really need to dedicate myself now to really becoming serious in this whole business I want to set up now. I'm planning on doing this whole making money thing with the internet and going serious with it now.

There's risk in everything I'm doing right now for a business, but it's something that I'm willing to take responsibility for and I'm not just about to be some speculator, which means that you're just entering stocks out of the blue and putting a lot of money on the line and risk losing it all. There's a smart way to do it while eliminating a lot of risk and making it very highly probable. This is what I have learning and now I am ready to go more aggressive with it now and start trading with a live account. I can afford to lose some money trying to set up a business that I am feeling very passionate about now and not feeling ashamed of, like the time I tried to sell kid's clothes and an air purifier. Yeah, those things weren't really my cup of tea. I'm going after mastering the Foreign Exchange market, where banks play with billions of dollars and belong to a market that's worth over 3 trillion dollars daily.

Maybe if this business goes all well, I'll have time to do other things I want to try.