Saturday, June 9, 2012

Worthiness Using Firefox For Blogging

Well for once, Firefox is really helpful in doing some spell checks. I haven't been too finicky about checking my spelling anymore as I used to. I was really about the techniques of writing for awhile and didn't care about not making any sense in my writing. I just didn't get how to write sentences that flowed really well for awhile. Okay, now that I do, I've been doing some justice with my writing in bringing those dirty-minded, possibly fake Christians at that church I've been writing about in the past to absolute embarrassment and shame by reprimanding them about their ungodly actions. 

I'm basically moving along now and not making too much of a force of habit to continuously bring them up on this blog for discussion anymore. Basically, what inspired me to write on this blog today was thinking about the pursuit of happiness. What personally drives an individual to attempt or achieve greater heights? Also, what are their goals in life which help them to interact under certain situations? Just examining some data and coming up with honest observations which tie into being universal is something that could be of some use for the workplace and dealing with others.

Here's my situation. I've been fibbing on this blog about how I have a beautiful wife because I have never married. That's why it is easy for me to imagine myself having a wife and regardless of what she looks like on the outside, she would score perfect marks on the looks department for me. I have met a lot of cute, brilliant, and nice women who wouldn't mind me devoting myself to the right person but I have overlooked them a lot because I have just been an idiot like that. I have basically been insecure about how short I appeared and from what I looked like on the outside, how I would be really hated by others- I just really cared about my image all the way down to the shallow levels. It took me so long to realize that the right type of people don't care about it and will even not be bothered being married to a really short or homely person. 

I feel so much better coming clean with a small lie like that meant to be a joke. I also have another lie on my Facebook- it says that I'm in a relationship with a woman and it's complicated. I really am not in one- I just did that to attempt to make myself look good.  I'm not going to update my marital status on Facebook because I really like the way it is right now, until I get pretty serious about settling down with someone.  Looks like my biggest worry for me and number one priority I will pursue with great difficulty is to find romance in marriage with a beautiful (not based on looks) woman and devout Christian woman who hasn't been in any previous marriages or without any biological children.  I missed a chance a couple years ago to a pretty dim-witted guy because I was just being an idiot. Man, I had some really beautiful women who were just that available and attractive for me to just pick and choose one. I'm going to have to start all over again now.  I'm letting go of any stupid misconceptions I have about women and some worldly thoughts that are just plain selfish. If I fail, then at least I'm happy to know that I failed while giving enough effort. Basically, just the effort and pursuance provides a pretty nice feeling of balance in my life. If it eventually happens for me, then it would be about taking the next step.