Monday, November 26, 2012


I'm feeling that if I write very direct things on this blog now then maybe I will be screwing myself over. I'll just be open about the things that I think make me look good and isn't really showing off. I have some good friends where I'm just completely honest about myself, and they seem to understand me so I guess I have some place where I belong. I don't really want to be open when I'm not feeling emotionally strong about something.

I guess this whole incident about being involved in some drama at this church I have been talking about and where they ended up throwing me out of there is just too funny. I think I'm at the point of growing up and even though I still feel a little discomfort at times with myself, I guess I can manage it and handle myself decently. I think for a guy being able to handle himself well and be pretty successful at something is pretty favorable at winning a beautiful girl's heart.