Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Personal Goals Revisited

Looks like after having thought about it for some time, these are the things that I am currently trying to accomplish. While working out, there are moments where I just want to quit and call it a day but what drives me to keep going is just the thrill of finishing as a stronger person. Even while the weather may be a little too hot or my body is just aching a little, I haven't lost any heart because I see working out as a long term investment. 

This is basically where I am aiming towards with my work-out regime, even though it may sound really simple or nothing special. I would like to max out my pull-ups to 30 reps. I would like to perform a set of two 75 reps of push-ups followed by 80 reps (repeat once with one minute break in between), set of two 160 reps of sit-ups (with no breaks), and run two miles around 13 minutes. That's pretty much the non-gym membership program that I am following. I am currently at 25 reps of push ups, 80 reps of sit ups, and 3 pull-ups, and a 14 minute two mile run. I guess my best category so far is running and still have quite a ways to go to reach my goal. 

I'm also looking to hang out with healthy and attractive females I can relate to now as friends. I honestly don't really care about being rejected, so I think just learning to ask a girl out and actually hanging out with her would be fun and help put me in a better shape with settling down with someone nice and eventually raising a family. Comparing it to others, it's not really that bad where I am standing and I might be a little more active than the average Joe. 

On top of those things, I'm going to go for spending a little time daily to learn a language and study a little bit of Scriptures found in the Holy Bible and also go for trying to make myself grow just a little bit taller, just for fun. Also for fun, I could just do the usual stuff other people do besides getting carried away with drugs, alcohol, and partying a little too much while ending up in wedlock. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Repetitious Behavior

I have been working on learning a few songs verbatim and while playing the piano. It's been pretty addictive and a very fun behavior for me, but I would like to place my focus on bigger things for now. What I seem to have been focusing on with the highlight of my life so far has been practicing on making day trades and then just sitting back and watching time fly while I surf the Internet, whether I feel like getting lost on some topic or just looking back at the things I've written.

From writing on this blog for quite awhile now, I notice that on some days I don't even feel like touching a keyboard but I still go for putting something down here. I think I can translate those emotions and work up another routine which is balancing my feelings and thoughts. I'm noticing that I'm not really so sharp in a few areas as I used to be from no longer being so paranoid; it's like I let myself a little off-guard from being so mellowed out now.

One of the cool things is that once my mind grasps a hard concept of something selfish I'm doing, I'm capable of letting it go. I'm realizing now that also my sweet talking behavior is finding its way even with the craziest girls, especially those who were cool with me in the beginning and then decided to try to put me up for adoption at a mental hospital. It was actually pretty entertaining and funny, but my feelings were stoic and so chill at the time; I wasn't even flipping out anymore, maybe a little shocked at who the girl represented herself to be, but then again, anything is really possible for whatever reasons even if they are morally wrong. I am so happy that I can handle catty women from left to right now through sweet talking behavior and being an honest man. I texted that one crazy girl yesterday a long message and she must have finished it quickly because she comprehended me and then started throwing a fit, you know the reactions that girls give you in a T.V. show where they are making a hissy fit about something right before they turn into loving the attention the guy gives them.

Monday, August 26, 2013

One More Thing...

I forgot to mention from my last post that I am also working out my body through muscular and cardiovascular training. I would like to become an overall athlete with a body that could take on a grueling triathlon.

My current goal is lose ten pounds and maintain it. I've done it rather easily, even though it takes about two to three months to cut down to that size. I think that's the furthest my body really wants to lose, so along with maintaining a healthy diet, I am also going to try to grow an extra inch. By being just a little taller and a little slimmer, my body will be in an ideal healthy state. I have learned how to be taller and I successfully applied it to my work out program. Now I just need a little bit more, but I know that it's going to take a lot of work to chisel that amount.

I'm not really disappointed or disheartened by the task; in fact, I find it to be rather relaxing after finishing the work out and feeling pretty good. I'm a little more used to the physical endurance that my body is going through than before, so I don't mind trying to work out on a daily basis and finding time for it now.

There's one thing that I need to fix: it's disciplining my mind. My mind is so focused on playing all the time instead of working on building character or exceeding greater expectations. That's where I could change, and it's something that I'm going to work at by realizing that even though something wrong is going through my head, I can still push myself through by grinding it out. I'm ready to become better at a 24-7 level than the weird people I dealt with; I'm ready to work it out through my own personal discomforts and to never fret about it while living through it with a positive attitude. I think it's hilarious to feel depressed or sulking about something negative that happened, but that's only me at a personal mental note. Adversity isn't going to change me into a more worse person; I'm going to use the opportunity to develop better tools and to be of greater service to others.

Staying Dedicated

Having analyzed my eccentric posts from today, I think it's really about my need to be dedicated with helping to make the world a better place and starting with the smallest things. I'm thinking that if I grow up to become a rich fart and have nothing better to do then putting my time into messing with these weird people who popped up in my life might be actually fun.

Anyhow, I think I need to keep my heart dedicated in the right direction. It's great that my heart is superb at staying committed to the issue, but I think I need to bring that same fire to other personal things as well like to my workplace. I have a goal in mind of staying set on and even though my mind doesn't feel good at the moment or my body is just too tired, I have realized that it's a wonderful thing to accomplish when I look back at my daily goals.

Basically, I feel like I'm going random but it's a set pattern based on what I want to do. Based on what I do, I believe that people can get an idea of who I am. These are the things that I want to set my life upon: I want to gain a full understanding of the Holy Bible- King James Version from start to finish (Genesis to Revelations). It's pretty dry at certain points, but the figurative language and whether some parts of the language are literal is so fascinating and I'm sure from studying up on Jewish culture and the Greek language, there's really an intended meaning that the writer of a book in the Bible was referring to. I'm only looking at spending 15-30 minutes a day for something so cool.

I'm also getting into day trading; for my style, I call it more like a set and go system and a trade whenever I want to type of deal. I'm not really spending more than 20 minutes a day doing this now, and I don't really care about winning or losing right now because I am confident in the education I have received for it, so now I'm ready to learn how to implement it for maximum success.

I do want to progress further in my career. I'm currently looking at becoming a physician's assistant because my dream is to help out the needy at a third world country, and I think it would be the shortest and least complicated route of becoming a doctor. I'm also interested in picking up my parent's native language, and even though I'm not that bad at it for being born in America, I want to become really proficient at it. I don't think it's really a waste of time like my mom complained awhile ago to learn it because there are many bilingual positions opening up. For my career route, it might actually be pretty cool to be a professional computer geek because I grew up with playing on computers. I would also like to develop into a pretty decent manager working under some hot shot executive officer too so I could learn the ropes and get better pay. Ultimately, I would like to raise a nice family with a lovely wife and settle at a good location while being able to spend quality time with them.

Sweating It Out

I understand now that some people have an aggressive level of feelings that are so uncomfortable in that they must vent it through yelling about their problems to a nonchalant friend. These people are the ones who might be successful at what they do, but not for a longer period of time. I think I understand my place in dealing with these types of people. The natural way of thinking if you are a guy is to just make fun of them in person and to deal with their character while putting your own effort in life to get where you need to be.

Those people aren't really people to take that seriously but my mind puts in a natural effort to top them by putting the best foot forward while teasing them really silly. I still have to put it to the test to see if I will end up yelling at them and being a punk to them while I'm around. My preference isn't really to do that. I'm just going to go random with them and actually go for making sense at what I do and help them to be better people. Even if the end result is nothing important and nothing to be gained out of it, it's just my personality that wishes to go through in this physical world. I'm going to work extremely hard and will respond with total randomness. I remember yelling at a guy recently and throwing a book at him while staying a far distance in front of everyone. I was just so frustrated and needed to get it out of my system so I did that and felt really good afterwards. I might actually end up doing more weird stuff like that, but I don't know. I might mix it up by being going easy and then being mean the next week if they can't shape up and maybe I might be easy and hard at the same time. I have no idea what my process is going to be, but I will work very hard underneath in my heart and never lose heart while looking to outsmart them in every chance that I get and to do it so often that they get worn out and succumb to me. If I employ their strategies, they will lose out big and shut down and others will probably catch on to how I'm being weird and avoid butting in with our conversations.

There are many things to reconsider, but one thing I have is that I'm feeling more dignity underneath and even with those feelings of guilt that surface in my heart, I'm able to handle it a lot better from having faced adversity at a far and more extreme surface.

Writing Very Passionately

It's starting to feel good with what I'm writing more and more. It seems like how I write is also fostering how I am as a real person. They say that a person's words is like a gateway to revealing the person's heart. At one point, I didn't make any sense so it just meant that my life was something that's really hard for people to grasp and with them acting out against me, then yeah, I get it, they were just wrong and no one really cares that they are wrong. If I do something to make things right then people are going to get involved to say that what I'm doing is wrong and to try to solve the issue by not letting it get so out of hand.

All I really have to do is just make the situation literally get out of hand and then all these people who tried to have a hand are going to be frustrated about their inability to keep the peace and be unable to do anything. Next, I solve the issue by pretending to be really happy about how I'm dealing with someone and then they end up thinking I'm weird. By them thinking I'm weird, I end up pursuing the worst, moral person regarding those people and with the worst people being shut down and with me able to get them to calm down and avoid everybody else, it makes everybody feel bad about getting involved and not do anything to me.

Same Old Personality Just Less Stressed Out

My preference of living is turning out with having the same personality, but I'm just wanting to stress out a lot less underneath. If I turn out to be the instigator over something argumentative or a receiver of it, I'm going to see it all the way through by being relaxed and just random! I think the trick is to basically not show any discomfort and say things that just make you feel good; I think that's the unorthodox approach for the rare loner who can't get anything done right. Basically if the person doesn't make you feel good, then don't give up and keep trying to out-place him the best you can without killing him. It's also important to be in concurrence with a few things that actually make sense and to live in harmony so that those feelings don't turn out to become a disservice later.

What I have to work with might not be important later in life, but it's something that I wish to resolve because it just doesn't matter what the end result is and would be beneficial for everyone to see what happens later in life. I feel like they are going to end up bad by doing something negative to me, but I don't seem to care about it more and more and how I'm not going to lose my cool no matter what to land up in jail. Basically, if I'm at the point of wanting to beat up someone to a bloody pulp, and I have him knocked down on the ground then I pretty much need to play it cool by bringing the person back onto his feet and getting out of there while saying I was messing with that person and apologizing repetitiously while making statements of nothing being harmful and towards his image being ruined.

So I'm feeling this strong burning sensation of nervousness and uneasiness often when I'm around these people, it's like living on the edge of success and danger. It's like playing with fire and the feeling that comes out of it is what I put into it to get what I want out of it. I'm pretty much gambling my worthless life but I'm going to be playing my hardest for something that doesn't matter in life. Even if I'm feeling like it's a hopeless thing to be engaged in, it's a contradiction that I'm living because of my human emotions that have gone awry, and I will treat it like it's the most important thing to accomplish in life now.

Becoming More Thematic

I am realizing that my mind likes to get carried away from being extremely mellow. It would be awesome if my mellow mind could be really productive and allow me to sweat it out through the hardships without giving much thought to it. I used to be personally stressed out and paranoid about a lot of things but because I'm getting older and placing my focus on the things that matter to me, I'm not really that type of anti-social person anymore.

I've realized that even though I might feel uncomfortable, scared, or nervous underneath, it isn't going to keep me from being hard-working at obtaining a personal goal of mine, even if it takes longer than others. From initially having frantic behavior, I accept the failures I get into on a daily basis and then work towards improving on those shortcomings so that I would benefit from having finally achieved something. Even if all the elements aren't there as I would prefer, I don't really see it as that bad anymore and something I could always adjust to.

Basically, the ones I have to work with are those I could approach or in their own minds stalk them so easily. If they aren't really working that hard to avoid me, then come on, they are just being really lazy with thwarting me and thinking they could do something easily to bring destruction upon me. The ones I can't really see in person are just a bunch of lost causes, and they are just weird people to begin with and have flaws in their behaviors because it is impossible for them to be 200% happy. If I can come out to be a really violent person underneath, but I don't show it in real life and there's no proof of it then it means that I understand my moral limitations and am capable of blowing their lids to the point that they would cause destruction on me which would land them in jail and some hefty law suits if I'm still alive! If I don't care about staying alive because some idiot wants to kill me then at least I can rest in peace. I will fight and prepare myself to make it a really painful journey and something they won't want to repeat again for the good of mankind!

Keeping Routine

I'm realizing that my writing has been taken to a more newer direction that is based on me feeling good from practicing eloquence. I'm no longer intending on feeling great from being a little too verbose which was what I used to strive for. It was funny in that I was too lazy and worn out to read what I was composing and burnt out to even self-analyze my own personal works.

I guess I've developed a personal style where it's just personalized humor that others just see as a normal or an average thing. Depending on some people's socializing behavior, they might find my works to be pretty entertaining as well. It's cool, and I have nothing against that; what I'm saying is that I preferably want to not be in trouble if I do something selfish and getting what I want out in life. I think that's normal for everyone, including those who start bickering about their personal problems and what would constitute correct behavior to friends which is pretty annoying to me.

Advantages of Being Single

For this post, I'm going to play a little devil's advocate. What I mean is that, it appears that an average person has this natural tendency of desiring an intimate and fulfilling relationship with another. It's really crazy from having talked to one of my single buddies, he's actually considering on staying single for the rest of his life. He tells me that he's seen other men dating their beautiful girlfriends and acting so stressed out from trying to please them. His description is pretty comical because he states that he enjoys more of his freedom and that if he were to be a relationship he would have to call up his girl and always be in accountability with her; his main example was that he would want to take a break from his relationship often by gambling in Las Vegas and then hanging out with her for a week before repeating the process again.

Even though I have felt he's been too shy, uptight, and over-cautious which might be a good thing for protecting his own innocence, he's been invited out by supposedly an attractive female who I have never met to her birthday party. He told me that he randomly added her on Facebook because he thought she was cute and made some comment that she ended up liking. After discussing a little with him about her personality, he sees her as a very mellow, Gothic girl who is loose about her scary image and doesn't want to get close with her. Okay, I understand that he hasn't found the right girl to try dating because he's overlooking the important values of being a partner and going for pleasing his visual senses by making failed attempts at interacting with pretty women. He has basically told me that he isn't really boyfriend material, so I think that's pretty funny and something I'm not going to pressure him for to change.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Old Wine Tastes Better

For this post, I'm stressing the importance of investing in developing desired skills. Over time, it becomes more like second nature and can assist in a situation where you perceive it is something that matters so much. By storing old wine, it tastes awesome when opening it up for a very special occasion. I had the luxury of tasting a little bit of 100-year old wine; I remember that my dad was there with me because it was involving over my half Asian/German cousin getting married. Notice how I'm saying Asian because I'm not directly revealing what my parent's country is.

Anyway, my dad wants me to marry an Asian from my own Asian background and female Asians are typically cute. I know some cute Asians right now and they are bright and friendly with me too. Okay, enough said with that when my half Asian/German cousin was marrying a German, my dad felt a little depressed because of his traditional belief and he downed that 100 year old like a sucker while drunk! It made me so mad because I only took a sip of it.

Oh well, let the past be bygones, that's what a female Asian told me while she can't let go of something with me in the past still. She's such a hypocrite and crazy. Oh well, I don't care- I can sweet talk to her now and laugh at her indecent remarks. I could probably try dating her too because she's considered ugly in guy standards, but I'll think about that later.

The only time I've stated that old wine tastes better is from having felt depressed with my own piano playing ability. It's like I'm playing the piano like it's an obsession, but I just couldn't reach that level of satisfaction and balance I wanted to express by playing it in front of others. I'm still having trouble obtaining it, but these days, I just feel good to have wrote a simple song with my own chords. Maybe I'll publish my love song I wrote for that crazy girl I mentioned who I'm trying to hit on because she's mad at me. Listening to fun, piano music is actually is helping me in getting ideas of how I could expand my musicianship.

Failed Attempts Might Not Be So Bad

Being a rather subtle guy while growing up, I mean I feel all this adrenaline where I want to pump someone's guts to the point they don't want to feel anything negative with me anymore but that's a different story related to another altered dimension on the planes of my imagination; I never thought my little body would deliver so much shock and desperation to a weird religious crowd.

What I'm relating the incident I faced is like dealing with a mob in the Dark Ages. The people are ignorant and self-absorbed as a whole with an intricately insane belief system that is fed by a ring leader. It's immensely rare to see this happen or let alone become a victim of it in today's urban society but I became a host to one.

What I'm saying relating to the title is that I've left behind some beautiful females I was romantically interested in. It was going nowhere though because of my shy and emotionally insecure preferences. With some spark, it caused me to turn into a real man! No longer do I care about those things personal issues of my appearance or economic developments; neither do I care about being rejected by an ugly lady I do not favor. I was mad in the beginning at the thought of pursuing after an unattractive female for my own personal pride and how I was expecting that she would reject me on the spot.

All of that has changed- it's basically sweet talking to the females, having the right attitude in the heart, and making the appropriate actions! All of a sudden, through this weird and extremely rare case of being put into adversity, I've finally came through with feeling so alive and confident in my abilities and self-engaging humor!

To conclude this post in relation to my title and content I just referenced, I've met more beautiful females who are more in my own range of preference for relationships or budding friendships. Basically, I'm saying that if you lose love interests at one place over a weird or unlikable circumstance, there's always naturally bound to be another place you can find it again. It's really hard to let go of that past moment where you just feel like you let go of a perfect relationship, but the excitement comes from being ready to try a new adventure and allowing yourself to eventually be healed through some type of divine inspiration!

Getting Used To Strong Biological Feelings

When I'm sleeping and waking up in the morning, I'm getting those strong urges that are supported by my brain chemicals. It's pretty crazy how research has been done on how the average human brain can actually work. I'm glad that I was exposed to a little of those ingenious discoveries because I'm ready to move forward now.

The challenges that I believe I'm facing is just having the right kind of heart and being patient while those feelings are in motion. I have been imagining happy thoughts all the time and getting carried away while excited after waking up to a groggy morning. I guess it's a good thing to start up the day by getting a natural high from the body's testosterone.

I realize how through getting carried away with wanting to indulge in the excesses of personal pleasure, it can get any man feeling a little empty inside momentarily. Basically, through the desires of the person's heart, a natural direction is pretty much achieved. Whether it's right or wrong, I'm just saying that going after living with self-control of not being driven by brain chemicals and placing natural efforts on obtaining something that's lasting and satisfying will have better rewards for any man in general.

Depressing Thoughts That Are Funny

I have realized from possibly getting little older in my head that feeling sad over the same things that really has no importance is actually really funny. What I'm saying is that feeling melancholy over my own personal appearance and the things I lack and desire of is so funny to me that it mentally helps me get through the whiny feelings that I'm hiding.

I do feel like crying and breaking down a lot over how short I am, or maybe how I'm getting bald, or how I'm not rich enough, or whatever. These days, I've been laughing over those uncontrollable feelings I'm experiencing so it's definitely solved through having the right kind of attitude. Yeah, those are thoughts I don't really want to waste my breath over anymore. I'm just going to let them go, and always display a personal humble and positive attitude wherever I go even if I'm by myself.  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Adjusting To Work Out

I'm feeling really fat from not having worked out all week! I'm tucking in my stomach and that psychological effect isn't doing me much good, so I'm going to do something I've been working on. I'm looking forward to having a really fit body someday and a beautiful wife with this trading career kicking in motion while I get to focus my timely efforts that are more meaningful.

Honestly, I'm starting to feel bad from wasting my time with playing video games for hours now. I see how foolish it really is to get lost momentarily in them. I think reading, working out, and toned-down dating leading to courtship would be more healthier and fulfilling to me. I think those things if done right would give me a much better perspective in life. I'm also not caring about being a short Asian now, too. Being made fun of it for that doesn't really bug me as it used to, but for being a large build, I'm still trying to naturally and tactfully find ways to increase my height.

Latest Forex Trading Update

It looks like I've broken down my trades into looking for divergence, candlestick patterns, Fibonacci numbers, support/resistance, and good risk-to-reward ratio. I am mainly trading on the 4Hr and Daily charts because I don't really have that much time neither do I prefer to look at charts all day. I am still demo trading on mainly the EURUSD pair and have yet to see how the news will affect the trend and a profitable market.

From what I have learned, I believe that it makes the most sense to me with sticking to this current trading style. I am mainly relying on the risk-to-reward ratio and sure enough I will be starting to log down the trades I have taken or disregarded from being wrong to compare my results.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Talking Smoothly

One of my hardest struggles in my young life has been dealing with others I want to get along with while they are mad at me. From being a random, scary, and weird person, I was able to get them to comply with me several times but I grew tired of this method and went after a less stressful approach. After having been so shut off, I'm not afraid to employ those tactics again if I really feel the need to. I have built an extreme amount of confidence and am really happy with myself.

Therefore, the solution to all my problems with these guys and gals has always been under my nose. It's basically to talk really smoothly with them by being my natural self. I'm about getting along with people and being very positive most of the time, so what kind of person isn't going to want that type of healthy energy. The hard part has been learning to let of my angry feelings that I have experiencing on the fly through some of my interactions with these people. It takes a lot of heart and selfless sacrifice to be able to die to the self and encourage the other individual to let go of her own worries and try to top each other in being the better person.

Through the high level of confidence I have gained, I'm really motivated to just really be random with these types of nobodies and feel good about myself, no matter what they want to throw at me. I have noticed that sweet talking to females do actually help a lot, but what would make those words more meaningful to me is if I really mean them from deep down in my heart. From being genuine and finding the right words to say, that's pretty much the key in dealing with most people who struggle with wanting to deal with a bad friend.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Creating Balance

I keep on having these goals set on my mind. It's mainly that I need to get a daily workout in and to focus on making a successful and comfortable living. That's pretty much the basics that I want to focus on. There's a friend from high school who I met in college; he was a special ed student and right now, he's married happily with some kids. He is impaired physically, and I guess mentally too but his attitude was really mature; what ended up happening is that he found a beautiful woman to marry.

If this guy can get marry, then why can't I? He's my inspiration for me to find a lovely woman to marry. I thought I had too many negatives about myself to even settle down and even snuffed a few advances from good women, but now all of that has passed and it's really about me chasing after the proper ladies that I am interested in settling down with now. I really don't care about rejection and even though the feeling might be painful, it's well worth the risk for me. It's not hard for me to get over as I figured out not too long ago.

It's really about the timing, like I noticed that in college a lot of my female friends were with no jobs and kept themselves available to hang out with. Now that those female friends have jobs, it's like near impossible to set a date with them because I let them down already. It's pretty funny with how things that go around come around.

Forex Trading Update

I am running two monitors right now on a 23" Dell All-In-One PC. It has turned out to be quite useful on my trading career journey. Right now, I am mainly focusing on trading breakouts of tops and bottoms, Fibonacci retracements, and divergences. It isn't taking me that long to analyze and manage trades each day, possibly about just ten minutes. 

It's taking me longer to figure things out though because I'm still new and learning, but I've pretty much narrowed down to a simple set-and-go trading style with some interesting and strong strategies to test out. It makes a lot of sense to me now to try out the systems I've narrowed down to because it really is based on my own personal preference. 

What's so great about managing trades as a business is that if it goes really well, you can invest in more capital and the earnings can compound in growth each month. What I mean is that, if you start from $10,000 capital and keep growing the account by 20% each month then by the end of next two years, you'll be on your way to over a 500,000 dollars!  

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sticking To Goals

One of the hard things I have come to realize is that sometimes a person can be too exhausted to continue pursuing after a dream and has to retire for the night. I have read and heard about a few people who are capable of staying up for long periods and getting a lot done. My buddy's younger sister who is studying to be a doctor claimed that she could study for periods of up to 16 hours per day while preparing for an exam. I also read about a single mother who worked through many shifts and put herself through college by staying up late at night- she's now a very successful business woman.

These women have something that a lot of my guy friends don't have- determination, commitment, and proper motivation! I've noticed that for guys, it's easier for us to hang on to visual things that are pleasurable to us. Like for my buddy with the medical student sibling, he thinks the best part of his day is laughing at the misery of others on YouTube after getting out of work or scheming on legitimately taking other people's money. It's pretty funny and even though I am a little annoyed by his attitude at times, I'm just brushing those feelings off.

For myself, I've realized that I do deal with boredom too so I try stuff to keep myself occupied but those activities I subjugate myself to are not always the best activities for me to engage in. Since it's down time, I guess it's okay to mess around if I'm satisfied with the day's hard work I put in. Yet, I have these consistent goals that I want to keep up with now. I realize that my mentality is a lot different from the common folk because of what I am striving after.

Basically, I am really into trading currency to earn a living and it's about working roughly ten minutes a day. This is not something the average person just stumbles into because the volatile market is extremely hard to make a living off of and can intimidate a lot of potentially successful people. Along with the secrets being guarded or not followed, it's like a person has to fit in with the 5% crowd to earn a living.

I guess that's where I'm unique with the rest of the world in my usual goal that I'm going after. I have actually heard that a lot of people are into trading currency too but a lot of my friends probably think it's technically gambling and too cumbersome to deal with. Well, I've eliminated the gambling aspect and thinking of going professional with it, but I can't necessarily share the secrets to others I have obtained because that's a journey every participant should go through on his or her own.

Movie Review- Elysium

Disclaimer: Okay, this is something I'm doing just to write up something and will do my best to not vent about anything going on in my personal life. If it does happen where I make fun of somebody in my personal life, it's all based on truth and I am having a great time laughing about the person's behavior.

This movie casts Matt Damon with that exoskeleton suit for the most part of the movie. I'm basically going off of the trailer, so don't blame me for mentioning that. I'm not going to mention any plot- go see the movie if you have permission from parents if under 17 or otherwise if you just want to. I thought the movie was hands down GOOD! The ending was a little sad but it symbolizes the sacrifice of one person's life making a dramatic impact for the good of mankind; it's sort of analogous to Christ dying on the cross to prolong his message to the Western culture.

It's rated R so expect something with that rating. I forgot what made the movie rated R already and detailing what's on there would be like ruining the plot, so I am going to avoid saying anything. I think the MPAA previews said something like use of bad language and violence. I was actually pumped up in the fight scenes which were done so well- I think Matt Damon has some experience in choreographing fight scenes from having been Jason Bourne in the trilogy. The actor who played the bad guy was a great character for Matt Damon's character to deal with. The reasons for Matt Damon's character to go fighting seemed pretty legit to me, and it was just interesting along with how the movie theater was packed and my group of buddies had to sit in the front because we showed up about ten minutes earlier before it started.  

Trying A Review

I watched this movie called The Wolverine. It wasn't really that good as I had hoped- the Japanese actress who was paired with Wolverine looked really attractive, and I'm used to hating on the Japanese. Anyway, I liked how her complexion looked on the screen and she appeared to be a beautiful actress who can speak English almost perfectly. The Japanese actress who came out with red hair was a pretty good character too and she seemed to fit the role without any struggle; those characters seemed to be realistic which is what I like about the movie. The men who played the MACK-daddies, patriarchs who are at the top of their game, was a little over-the-top for me and a couple of those battle scenes were just too funny for me now that I'm thinking about it. Anyway, I'm not going to reveal any plot or ever because people get mad about that.

It's pretty crazy how the actor who plays Wolverine is signed on to do many other movies. I think he's getting pretty popular but what I like about the actor is that he seems to be a pretty humble and decent person. I remember watching him appear on a show called Punk'd. There was a scene where his director and him came to his house and the Hollywood crew simulated that his house burned down along with his valuable painting. They made a replica and trashed it up like it was ruined from the fire. You could see his face was just frowning and really depressed. He wasn't saying anything.

Maybe Adding Personal Reviews and Photos

It might actually be a lot faster for me to write up on my personal opinions about movies and stuff. I would hate to tick off a lot of readers though. I think just keeping it objective without spoiling any plot while giving my two cents on it with a simple "Yay" or "nay" would suffice into a pretty fun post for me. I also might end up sharing a few of my personal photographs just for laughs. I'm a little shy about putting my young face out there in the Internet. I really do like this whole feeling of anonymity.

I might take some photographs of others and write honest reviews about them and then see how they like it for laughs though. Okay, it might be a little unfair but at least I am recognizing them for who I think they really are in absolute truth and reality. There's always pressure to lie about stuff and make them look bad while I am the hero who saves their life or something cool like that.

Okay, I might embrace the little body and big head I was born with and start adding it a little in the background photographs to this blog. It might make my days of having to write so much smoother. I mean, I am committed to blogging one post a day and just putting a couple photos would count as well too. On top of adding these unique thoughts whenever I feel like it and then putting in some extras, it might actually be a lot of fun for me and also not so much of a drag.  

Appearing Younger

I remember last year when I was out of shape, everybody was claiming that I looked really old like ten years older than what I really am. Nowadays, from having worked out quite regularly from combining muscular and physical endurance exercises, it seems like I've been aging better and people now think I am five years younger than what I really am.

This gives me great motivation to continue working out, and the whole being Asian thing also helps a lot for me. One of my female Asian friends told me that Asians can either look like ancient people or incredibly young. I have felt both criticisms before and it sucked! From working out, I look five years younger than what I really am and I like that.

Keeping Some Things Private

I always thought that I was going to be straight out blunt about everything going on with my life like a foolish poker player always revealing his hand to the opponents. Well, it's not happening! Unfortunately, I can't reveal about every part of myself because it would seriously compromise an area I don't want to be stressed out over later. I like this whole being quiet thing in a personal area on this blog.

Yet, the underlying motivations for some things I am going after really do come from keeping my life private. Obviously, there are some general things I don't mind holding back on though so I just let those times rip. Just as a joke, I've been writing truthfully to the best of my ability about some people's private lives. It just makes it more fun to see their poor and negative reactions if I cross paths with them again. I don't mean any harm- it's just something that could be really funny to others and a personal preference. I'm also about helping them becoming better people too now- it's pretty crazy because I'm not about being this forceful person underneath but more of a gentle motivator and caring spirit. One of the reasons I am capable of helping those losers is because I'm easily letting go of my anger and frustrations with them so if they were to be that way, it lets me know I'm not doing anything wrong to them.

Coping Positively With Pressure

What happens a lot in my family and I'm sure for some people as well is that in my daily affairs, they react with some irate feelings over daily affairs like how when something isn't going so well, they just get personally mad over not having delivered well enough. I'm basically talking about earning a living, but I guess making attempts to complete personal projects could be the same as well. It's really funny to self-reflect on those times, but not something worthwhile to get totally lost over. 

 Right now, I'm feeling a little bit pressured to finish my posts for this month and to catch up like how it feels like a drag. Yet, there's something fun in the pressure that I think we overlook sometimes which causes us to become short-sighted and turn our focus on striving for pleasurable routines. I guess the difference between successful people and failures are the ones who muster enough strength to keep going while reaping the great rewards of hard work and dedication and then knowing how fun it really is to maintain that way of life. 

For myself, I'm not really the best even though I have came up on top in my classroom a few times and made others jealous especially the under-represented like this really hot female classmate I managed to ignore. I have had those boosts of confidence, but I never really managed to deliver the goods well enough to attain any superstar status. It's awesome to be that person, whether he or she was born with it or just worked really hard to get there. 

Cherry-picking From The Field

An analogy that I'm feeling from creating these blog posts is how I'm planting a fruit tree through the usage of my words. Later on, there are a couple of my posts which become the most alluring and productive trees. Therefore, cherry-picking in a figurative sense just means to me searching for the most ripe posts which gives the intended effect a reader was looking for.

I have heard a saying of how it should be about quality over quantity. In a way, it's true because no two people can be exactly alike. Having quantity won't always justify the amount of success the person has made, but with high quality decisions, it could be different. Even though I can't always focus all my energy with creating the best darn thing I've ever written in this world (I have felt that way a few times), I am aiming towards reaching an excellent standard. 

Catering More To Personal Style

What I have for reference is basically my own personal experiences. I'm pretty much trying to leave my own personal feelings out of it now, except the humorous or cool incidents. It's been amazing from how feeling a little success in my own writing has made me more aloof and taking more time off with my writing. One of the neat things I have to really share is that when I have been reading back the last months' posts, I've actually been fairly entertained with my own compositions.

That seems really cool with creating posts that I would personally want to read for myself. Naturally, it becomes more of a predictable nature and whether it adds merit or not to other readers, it's just something I'm doing to pass a little time and get to know myself a little better.

Feeling So Much Better

For the next couple days, I'm going to be getting plenty of rest. It feels like a minor vacation because those couple hours of unpaid leave are going to make me feel more recuperated. I am realizing that my heart is aiming to be in the right place and that I really need to use my head to keep myself in check and under self-control. This may be controversial to a lot of people but I believe in the applicable and physical principles of the Ten Commandments (ex. thou shalt not murder, nor lie, nor steal, nor commit adultery, nor covet another's possessions). 

Therefore, what I'm saying is that with the little time I invest into reading the Bible; if I get a truly Biblical inspiration then I am grateful for the revelation God has given me. One of the other awesome things I have to come to utilize is that there are others who have already done the thinking for me. What I mean is that through Google searching about some things I'm curious about, it has given me a better expectation to gauge my personal issues in a more impartial manner. 

I do understand that some people will feel indignant about the most little things that just isn't right and then act out momentarily in anger or frustration. What I have to come to develop is that I don't really need to feel what the moral things in life are, but get to see it in a more logical structure these days. This pretty much means that I've been wasting my time with some thoughts and personal behaviors which are worthless.  

Dealing With Weird People

I have found that dealing with an issue where the man or woman has made up his mind and can't talk about it with you really comes from enduring a lot of negative emotions and talking to the person right. I really sucked at it for awhile because I was dumb in my own ways and felt lost with my personal zen. It's just about being straight out honest while not being scared and bothered by anything. Honestly, it's one of the easiest things in the world to let go of any angry and frustrating thoughts and never having to look back at it.

I'm pretty much in the ready stance with where I want to take things and underneath, it's just really entertaining for me to put in my two cents. I guess it's selfish, but I can at least say that I'm better than them in an important area of relationships- commitment! In a way, I would just like to be the minimal amount of a friend with those losers and not really hang with them. Then again, I don't think they personally really matter now and that it's dealing with something bigger that I'm feeling at the moment.  

Friday, August 9, 2013

Taking The Sweetest Route

A few guys I know where I work at are really fit and look like they have really nice bodies. I want that for myself, so naturally, it's the confidence that comes out of it and a natural high from having a really physically healthy body and something that personally feels so sexy. I guess that's the swag I'm feeling these days, so I don't care about being rejected by really beautiful women!

The greatest woman for me is someone who I would like to relate to. For a time being, it's been about wanting her to be at least a little smaller than me, into working out, out-going, outspoken, really into being a loving person, and a few things among others. Now, I'm starting to just not care about a woman's appearance even though several guys are shallow and even admit to it! I guess it's nature's way for a man to pursue after a good-looking woman for keeping the world populated in a healthy way. Even though I don't buy into the shallow effect anymore, I still don't care about being rejected!

There's this cool thing I have been working on now. I really want to be a currency trader to earn a living. It's very difficult and interesting, but the way I plan to make a living with it is by spending like ten minutes a day. I really champion that idea. I'm just this guy who has these big plans in his heart. I'm also realizing with the issues I have with some women, it's now about me settling down with a decent wife. I'm in the age now, and it's something I have seriously realized and no longer so worried about now. The main reason is because I don't care about rejection and will still keep going.

Possible Explanation

I believe that some of my writings or the most controversial ones that I've supposedly put out haven't been really that bad. It's just that from being an above average writer and having an irritated brain with a relentless attitude of finding the right path while keeping everything legal to the point of pushing the envelope, some of my writing is just too funny and then from making some cold remarks it gets you the feeling of ignoring everything else.

Because of those cold remarks and really funny comments, occasionally it gives some people who are irritated about stuff, a selfish flight to go further away from you. I have a couple controversial remarks that really aren't bad but cause some people to feel too much discomfort. It's mixed with a lot of humor and a blend of cold remarks, so when a person feels something isn't going away from them, it's easy to write me off.

Now, I'm understanding why I had it brought to myself that I was causing others to be uncomfortable by extremely biased women. The best way to get out of those jams is to die to the self, let out what's wrong through honesty, and laugh about it. Now, it's really easy for me to get a laugh out of sharing something that isn't really that big of a deal. It's just really funny to express those comments, but not something people have to show their approval or disapproval on.

Being Sneaky

I understand that my conscience makes me the worst critic and from beating that realization around the bush with others who were angry with me, they kept on telling me to get some help. They were actually wrong because the person who needs the help is the one who feels the most victimized. Over something they were bothered by with me, when I went to speak to them, they became carried away with their anger and tried to eat me up and make me feel victimized or bullied so that I would give into their selfish pretensions they want to hide from others. This definitely means I wasn't doing anything wrong in victimizing them because anger is the easiest emotion to let go of in an interpersonal interaction.

I was feeling angry myself when they did that to me, but I was so fed up with feeling agitated and angry that I was just a standing vegetable to them while feeling all that aggression through my hormonal testosterone. It didn't feel good at the time, but now, it feels great and something I love to let go of by just dying to myself. Through dying to myself, I understand the concerns that others can spot in me so basically, I'm addressing those comments by disguising it in a way by explaining it through euphemisms by just humoring myself and them looking bad because of it.

I guess overall it's been about finding my way with some people and just having fun from it. I'm not revealing all the bad things about myself because those things belong in my closet. I'm pretty much ready to move forward and again work at making the best choices. Regardless of how unsubtle some things are, my inner self is really harmonizing and playing a decent role in stabilizing an environment of people.

Humoring Myself

I'm starting to write about social interests on my Facebook status and it's pretty fun. I don't really care about when other guys don't want to have me around as a friend anymore or the women I haven't been fully interested in a relationship with anymore. I used to take offense when I found out the person no longer had me as a Facebook friend. 

I'm pretty happy with the amount of friends I accumulated on my Facebook, so I can just let it go now. I thought I was doing the most craziest thing, but still I haven't lost that many friends I actually know, so who cares now. It's also easy for me to bother others who don't want me around as a friend to with this ordeal and it's really funny, but hey, if they are really unstable and about to grab a gun to shoot me with or a knife to stab me; I'm going to call the cops, press charges on them, and stay away from them if they don't get me first!