Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What I Currently Have Going

I'm going to share a little of my resources that I'm currently looking at. Then, maybe I'll decide to look at them now. My mind is just trying to naturally blow off a lot of time; it just has this Three Stooges syndrome where I just want to sit there like an old man and just do nothing while reminiscing about my disappointing life while being very jolly inside. Yeah, it's pretty weird with how my brain likes to function.

I've signed up at this website called holybible.org and they have two prominent pastors for their daily devotionals: Spurgeon and Ryle. I've never heard of Ryle until I collaborated a little with a visiting pastor from Europe. I haven't really kept up with it on a daily basis, but I make strides to try to read it daily. It also comes with a schedule of what chapters of the Bible to read in a systematic fashion for completing it in a whole year. I'm trying to make a lot of time to read this portion because I've been noticing how it really helps me a lot when I actually concentrate on this little area of my life.

It actually gives me more perception of how to live my life. It also makes me feel incredibly stupid for sinning by going after my lusts of wanting to do whatever and naturally feeling some highs in my brain chemistry without doing drugs or alcohol. Yeah, I'm having a hard time in this area, but I'm going to try to dedicate myself more to leave this area out of my life and to go after things that just make sense and will make me successful.

I think I just need to push myself more whenever I find that little noggin of mine working and reminding me what I have to get done throughout the day.