Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Years Eve

Okay, I'm making some quick resolutions before I go to like a private New Years party. I need to spend my time wisely and get everything out of the way, much as possible before I go back to work. Once I go back to work, then my time is not going to be very what I say leisurely to the point that I can start wasting time.

I think in general the people I decide to bother just really depends on what type of person he or she is. They aren't really anything special and like I said from the last point, I was just trying to bother them without making them think I'm so crazy. I was bothering them very continuously because I just kept on getting irate with them. It's just the heat of the moment kind of thing, but the majority of people aren't really anything that special.

I'm a really special guy because these not-so-extraordinary people ended up blocking me on their Facebook because I bothered them so much with messages. It's pretty funny in that I wonder if I could write crazy messages to strangers too and then they'll just block me, instead of just ignoring my messages. I would probably just ignore it too as much as possible. I don't really know, I haven't really tried that.