Saturday, October 3, 2020

Going After Enjoyment With Making a Living

Honestly, I think it still sucks to lose money while gambling in a game of online Poker. Playing it for long hours is boring and doesn't give me much contentment. I think I'll just include finishing my grad-level software engineering courses when the going gets tough instead of trying to make money from playing Poker. Okay maybe I'll keep on going after grinding it out, while looking for odd jobs to do and on the downtime studying while trying to apply for a software engineering position. 

In the meantime, I don't think I need to focus on Poker anymore because it's only good when I'm winning and so terrible accumulating small losses after one another. It's just my feeling, and I think professional Poker players out there might snap more commonly every once in a while. I'm going to lay off playing Poker for money unless I'm waiting in line with my friend to go on a amusement park ride since we don't talk much. I will save it for when I'm in desperation mode for money like I lost my job.

On the other hand, I don't feel bad about my business investments struggling to do good at all. I only want to keep on getting better at it, so this is probably the best place for me to keep it consistent. This must mean that I still enjoy playing it a little risky and not throwing in an absurd amount of my hard earned money.