Monday, February 28, 2011

Good Morning, World!

This is a huge problem that I'm noticing for myself. I'm staring to my left wall right now on the corner- yes, all those long and thick covered books that never have been opened are pretty much like praying to me that I go open it up and finish the book. Those books want me to get sucked into a world where I feel like I'm zapped into outer space for twenty-four hours. Afterward, I would need to shut down my imaginary rocket ship and then go into a literary coma for say, 48 hours without waking up uninterrupted. Haha, I wish- I would be waking up with bloodshot eyes going to the bathroom and then people like my sibling would bust into my room- "Hey Earl, I need to use your computer." My mom would be like, "Hey Earl, your laundry is done. Stop being a lazy boy and go out and get yourself a job." But mom, I would think- I already have a job.

I wish I would be called the most original man in the world by saying that life is like a bunch of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get haha. I'm starting to pick up on what my friend means when he says that he's under God's good humor haha. I'm sort of feeling for him right now because he's not used to trying to provide for himself because he wants to make it big in terms of having cash flow by working two jobs right now.

I have two jobs too practically, just that I'm having so much fun with them. It's like I'm playing at my work and just stressing out over having to pay my dues for doing business. I wish I could have a flawless record in having to pay no expense and that whatever I do, money just comes in and I didn't have to pay stuff out of my own pocket. In due time, this state may come.