Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nailed Job Interview, Yea Hey!

Nailing job interviews aren't really that hard even in this struggling market. No college degree is required; just a willing mind and going to a job that probably nobody wants to do haha. I know there are all sorts of weird jobs out there, even probably shoveling pet poop all day long. I think nobody would want to do those sanitation type of jobs; more or less, I wouldn't be really that surprised if my future dates dumped me over smelling very bad no matter how stable the job is at the moment. I would have to then take a lot of showers each day just to get the stink off of me. I don't really like to take showers; only after I work out on strenuous and fun activities so that's probably the only time I'll allow water to come through my body.

Okay, so I'm not going to be a poop shoveler for the rest of my life- that was simple. I know a person who would do it for a couple million dollars and would pretty much sell his soul to do something ridiculous like that as long as he's bringing in the big bucks. I think we all know a person whose like that. The advantage to this job market is the creative niches that a person could contribute into it, like coming up with a new form of living that nobody else thought of. If it makes a good ton of money after people started making fun of the person about it and tried to keep him from sticking to it while making claims that success in it is impossible, then I guess he's beaten the odds especially if he started with very little capital. 

Because of my interests which are extremely difficult to accomplish and the idea in it is simple, I have several of those going on with my career advancements. It's common sense to have a few superstars in any industry whose always really successful and then the rest just fall in place. Sometimes, the amount of time or work isn't going to cut it and that life isn't fortunate enough for some people. Knowing all of this makes some people want to cry or maybe cause some to even bully others for their lunch money. Life is tough, and the majority of people just need to keep up the good fight. I guess I'm on my way because I have so many creative outlets in creating a living right now and nailing one job interview so fast that really isn't about hustling others to make a living and is pretty stable is going somewhere right now.