Sunday, April 8, 2012

Been Really Busy

I guess this week has been very busy for me because of the amount of the time I spent away from being in my room. In a way, that's pretty much a positive thing. This sort of chore for me to average one post a day every year is starting to feel like a personal duty of mine. Maybe it's because it feels very therapuetic for me. I read in a book with this author that his sister pretty much is a workaholic to deal with her post traumatic stress disorder.

My mom has also told me that some people become really depressed when they stay home all the time and have nothing to do most of the time. It's like how making a living is something that gives a sense of purpose and perhaps make a person happy. This is all basic and dry stuff that I'm referring to. I guess I'm not really on fire at the moment and probably just warming up.