Monday, April 23, 2012

Living With Less Sleep

I think successful people put in more time than an average person would at times. There are exceptions to this, so I can't really be exact about it. In a way, it would make sense to treat of spending time wisely as like an investment. Therefore, studying a discipline to gain knowledge of how to do something and then applying it from putting hours and hours into it would really equate to a successful student in a modest sense.

I'm now learning to get up really early in the morning and getting ready like I did today- I ended up waking up at around 4 in the morning which is probably very early for most people. I seem to be gaining this discipline where I could just charge up through deep sleep for about six hours and then wake up when I need to. It was hard in the beginning, but I guess through putting lots of effort into it, it's starting to pay off.

I'm also learning to not be so sluggish while tired, which is hard to accomplish but I'm actually starting to embrace the tired state I'm in and retain desire to complete an objective. I guess this is all a part of growing up with where I'm at now.