Sunday, May 27, 2012

Having Right Kind of Passion

I believe that happy, successful people have a great attitude about their own line of work. From being passionate about something, it gives them a reason to excel at something and to exceed expectations in any line of profession. I think one of the hardest things to deal with is learning to let go of some things which are addictive in nature especially when it prevents from anything getting good done. For example, being addicted to being entertained all the time could prevent an individual from getting an ample amount of rest before going in for work the next day.

What's been hard has been to avoid being passionate about meaningless things sometimes. I mean things that occur in life could be disruptive to a person all the time and put him or her in a bad mood while creating some form of insecurity that comes from desiring something. These meaningless acts then become played over and over again and draining a very limited resource which is time. It's really hard to begin to be consistent once I have set up a good idea- what I'm lacking is being a self-motivator and persevering when my mind is just not fully up to the task I have set out to do.

I'm calling for remaining with a reasonable amount of focus and letting some desires linger even for a lifetime if necessary while managing to still become happy. I say that pursuing after the right direction and the right people to be around shouldn't really have to cause some standoffish behavior towards people in general, but just illuminate on being a pretty good example for others and promote an illustrious life.