Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not Worrying So Much About Life Anymore

I guess a problem I have right now is to get some convenient transportation from point A to point B now. Before going on a six to seven month journey away from home, I ended up selling my car so I wouldn't have to worry about making any more monthly payments. It really sucked that I ended up not owning that vehicle for something I drove so much and became accustomed to.

I realize that I have always had it pretty good and just that I wasn't really satisfied with the way things were for me. It's when you live without those things you take for granted that you start appreciating good things. With my mind clicking a lot lately, I need to start diving into some good stuff.

Through persevering with patience in any difficulty, it seems like the hard work really does pay off and benefit the person with more than the average yield of a regular person. There's something different about me now; I'm living with more confidence and effervescence.