Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Keeping It Going

There just comes a time sometimes when failing at something or not getting what you were looking for doesn't really bring you down. It's just this natural persistence fueled by a sense of harmonious, personal beliefs that just keeps your work ethic at an elevated level. It feels good to have a meaningful drive and to always expect a positive outcome, even if something didn't go your way at that moment in time. Especially in the form of having a career, it's great to have confidence in a field that won't be going anywhere and for one to develop his or her place in it and then reap the financial compensations that come out of it!

One of the most time-consuming activities that I find myself involved in is planning and then committing to it. It was difficult at first because I didn't really have the confidence or heart to calm down all of my apprehensions. It's like one girl I dated who stated that she was afraid about losing some more weight. One of my biggest confessions about not going dating is that I was still waiting on growing a couple more inches for the last ten years! Well, I abandoned that idea of not dating, but I haven't lost the urge to want to naturally grow some more. Just have to make due sometimes and one of the biggest secrets I have to share is laughter during times of sorrow over shallow matters. What I mean is that with anything selfish about me, if I feel sad in that area, I just think it's funny- like how I feel sad about dating a taller woman, I think it's funny now and it doesn't really hinder me from hanging out with one now. In fact, I've been getting pretty good with talking to girls that I have hung out with a succession of taller women these days. I still want to be taller than them and feel sad occasionally but I think it's funny to laugh about it in my own head and that pretty much just helps me keep going.