Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Losing Weight Properly

I've been setting upon a journey of dropping a few additional pounds because I'm only about 10 pounds away from being at my ideal body type. There are a few things to keep in mind, but the main thing is to know what type of body you have. Most people have self-regulating hormones that will cause them to lose weight if they sleep it off; however, it appears that a lot of adults can't afford a good night's sleep so all this weight could be creeping up on them.

The other types are those who really need to work out and diet to lose weight. Regardless of what type one has, I believe that incorporating all three: proper rest, good diet, and exercise will get a person to successfully lose weight. It seems like a lot of females I know who are trying to lose don't really like to put a lot of strenuous effort into working out. It can be such a hassle and so physically challenging for a girl to try to keep in pace with a man's athletic prowess. Basically, those women just prefer dieting and I guess in most cases, it helps give them a better shape if they were a little too big from the beginning.

From being a guy, I want the maximum effect. I feel the energy in my body draining all the time from working out daily but I like how it feels after I finish. I feel so awake and recharged afterwards. It seems like a person trying to lose weight will mainly specialize in one thing and probably most commonly would be dieting, which is extremely hard to overcome and accomplish for one's body and to maintain consistent discipline. Basically, I'm getting at how a person should afford about 8 hours of sleep if he or she can, limit the amount of calorie intake, and then work out daily while including muscular exercises on alternate days and doing cardiovascular exercises daily to start losing weight effectively and to become a more stronger and confident individual!

For myself, I'm running about 2.5 miles daily and roughly taking about 17 minutes for me, but my trail has some huge hills to traverse so after finishing the run, I'm always drenched in my own sweat. I'm taking just Sundays off because that's the recommendation to follow. I'm adding in push ups and sit ups on alternating days to make my work outs about an hour and man, I'll be a little more exhausted in those days because my reps are adding up. Just for fun, I have decided to add doing a set of maxing out pull ups into my work out program everyday, except on Sundays.

I've become pretty used to committing myself to working out in the mornings or whenever I find time and have felt really good from engaging in them. I've been told I look about five years younger now too, and I like that compliment a lot. The only thing I have to add is proper diet and remember to sleep 8 hours whenever I can. I've learned that I can push myself to stay awake even when the hormones in my head just want to pass out, so sometimes it's a really tiresome drive back home but I'm always putting a lot of effort into it and getting used to it these days. It seems like those sleep hormones only affect me temporarily before I'm able to surge into productivity mode again.