Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Misled Urges

The predisposition of a boy's feelings is sometimes fostered through the upbringing of what made the boy stimulated! It's pretty funny what I'm mentioning, but I think from having grown a little more mature these days which seemed like was never going to happen, I'm starting to see how my feelings want to go out of control sometimes. It's just that it can offend others when I'm feeling that way and trying to express myself with the wrong people.

I actually notice that with those wrong people, especially the females in general, they express words to convey a hidden meaning of how their insides are turning chaotic and can't handle an unfair situation that well. Even though it ticked me off in the beginning when I was supposedly a victim to a girl raising her voice at me in a crazy manner, I couldn't do anything about it. Now, from having matured a little more, it's actually pretty darn funny with what crazy emotion the girl is letting out.

I see now that my stimuli have taken me into an immoral direction like a man who wants to chase after fleeting pleasures. I see that it's sort of like living a lie and won't really sooth all of the longing desires I have in my heart. It's pretty much living like a hedonistic brat in my own private closet! It's time for me to allow God to undue my fleshly desires that won't promote everlasting life.