Thursday, December 5, 2013

Simplified Again With Personal Ambitions

I'm just keeping it simple by looking to work out daily, studying a foreign language, doing my thing with trading the foreign exchange market, blogging, listening to the Bible, and then studying for a I.T. career. I've picked for my I.T. career the field of network engineering. The main reason for this is because there is so many new opportunities forming everyday and new jobs being added to it; it's so tremendous and I want to be a part of this exciting growth in this I.T. world now. For this reason alone, even though I am a trained programmer with a successful computer science undergraduate background, I want to switch over to that field now.

I think it totally makes sense with how I want to spend my personal time for developing in a no nonsense direction. I'm basically cutting out the stuff that are wasting my time and letting go of my grudges with some people who don't make sense to me. I might as well just let them go and do their thing and stay out of their way. I'm a genius with people because I figured out how to deal with them now, but I don't have the time to commit to them anymore when it's really time for me to grow as a person and become successful at something. I might as well just go separate paths with them and let this be a powerful experience for me to gain more in the favor of my direction.