Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Some Goals To Attain

It feels like a lot of people want to make attaining pleasure their largest goal in life! I guess that's why television, video games, and some boring, acclaimed novels were created!

I'm looking to stay consistent now with my goals on a daily basis like a routine and not deviate from it that much as possible. After all, I'm Mr. Responsible! I used to call myself E-toddler because I didn't want to attract that much attention, but then I switched over just to play with my personal feelings of being inferior to others.

Anyhow, the well-deserved confidence in peaceful and spiritual things of God have really served me well. I'm looking to make myself taller still as one of my goals even though it's starting to look like a dead end. I will never give up at that goal, so I'm constantly researching and playing it over in my own head; well, I might coach my little ones to get really tall if I can't in my lifetime.

I'm looking to also spend a little time devoting myself to studying the Bible just to keep myself updated with some of the claims it has. I mean the Western culture seems to have quite a lot of references to it, and I'm just taking some particular interest in it. I'm still trying to master a language, get better at an I.T. field, looking for an opportunity to get into a basic entry of the medical field for free(!), and play hard to earn money on the stocks and okay, some cards too.

The thing about playing card games is to just look for an edge; that's pretty much all I have to say. If you are me, it's easy to get extremely bored just staring into empty space while waiting for the next time. Therefore, I'm putting my money into playing some card game where I'll always be in a hand and be able to work at gaining an advantage over others. It's precisely gambling, but in a little more intelligent sense coupled with good money management. Man, I hope I'm married to a pretty out-going and healthy woman someday; I'm going to need to release a lot of my annoyances with bad players winning a lot! I'm looking to get into doing extreme stuff as a middle-aged man even though I'm not that old yet.