Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Not Living In Sin Anymore

It's been a lot easier to want to get out of a sinful life from having read up on how certain behaviors associated with it make the person stupid. For example, shooting up crack is a sin because it is abusing your body without even knowing it and the Bible says to take care of your body so that it wouldn't bring you into a state of anxiety from being so hooked onto receiving that form of temporary pleasure, while destroying your body. Being always drunk and an alcoholic is a sin, too; sure, you could forget about your painful status in life while doing so, but it comes at a cost of eventually losing your liver and being able to manage another good life from having a second chance, if it comes your way. In a way, they are both a disease; and I am going to have to agree with Dr. Drew who manages to appear on CNN and describe it in that manner.

I'm not saying I was a drug addict all this time nor a drunkard, but I know what it could do to me and I'm going to swallow my pride regarding those things and not go after it. I prefer to create my own endorphins from viewing beautiful women sometimes from walking around town and from feeling like a lonely single man, but I don't want that to get out of hand too. I'm pretty much laughing while I wrote that last comment, too.

I understand how the human body can sometimes be in a state of frustration, feeling oppressed, or how it wants to blame something that's out of control. I'm thinking about this one girl I like unconditionally. I know she's not perfect, but even if she was to lose her physically attractive appearance, I would still go after her because I think her personality is the right one for me. It's either her now or someone who is at least slightly a little better. I'm going to go for settling down now, but if it can't be her then might as well go for someone who I know would be better. I'm not saying someone is better than her either because I think her line of conduct and prettiness would make me happy. I already have a sweet car that I sometimes walk to and think to myself, "Wow, is this really my car that I bought?" I'm laughing again with that last remark.