Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Patience With Proper Timing

I'm not feeling so avoidant anymore around people and my miseries anymore. I have been learning to properly channel my energy while letting go of angry emotions I have for people. After all, I've been nice enough of a person to keep moody people at bay by keeping it at a not so serious level. My assessment comes from the consequences and discernment of the situation, while throwing out my own emotional experiences. If what I say is correct, then that is very good for me.

There are millions of other people out there where I can try to reach for a better opportunity. I don't think letting myself get stuck with the bad one in my past is going to be a great investment for me. However, I made a written promise with them whether one would think it's foolish or not. It doesn't involve anything radical changing and not a very serious step. They are bothered by me; that's for sure and can't get rid of the feeling too well. With God being my witness, I'm going to carry it out to the best of my ability, but I think it's going to feel very rewarding when I do reach that situation and try to explain it to them.