Okay, where did I leave off? This has been awhile that inconsistency will make you lose your place. Verse 7 says that the priest will offer a one-year-old lamb and a young pigeon or turtledove that is given to him by the mother of the new-born child. I recall from the earlier verses that the offering is the same whether the newborn is male or female. This is what verse 7 actually says in that it's a law of God.
I don't really understand what it means when it says that the mother shall be "clean from the flow of her blood." Does it mean that God washes away her spiritual uncleanliness? Anyway, it sounds like from what I have been reading that a woman giving birth is a good thing. Because the offerings for the baby are the same regardless of gender, it looks like God of the Bible is impartial about whether a person is born a boy or girl.
It looks like I have a lot to catch up for the whole year because I don't have that much time. It's a lot of effort to read the Bible consistently, but I'll try to take it personally one verse at a time then.