Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Excited About Life

There's a lot of joy and happiness in the Lord. I'm in a really blessed predicament. I guess it's possible for us to relate that people in this time of history have a lot of advantages compared to what it was like back then. I think the problem is really from feeling bad about yourself after something happened and not being able to make something better come out of it. I'm just thinking about why people just want to give up in life and kill themselves.

I'm starting to get annoyed with seeing some homeless people asking me for some spare change. Regardless though, I sympathize with them and think they should get some help from a professional who can get them on the right track. It could just be that they were just born with some type of ailment that keeps them from maintaining a job!

I would hate being a homeless person. When I felt like I had nowhere else to run to, I went for driving a truck. I would get a fat butt and high cholesterol level which I would abhor so much, but then again I am paying my bills and can have a chance to go home to an overweight wife as well. The worst level of human beings is that it's pretty common in that honest folks answered with how it's very difficult to manage your feelings and have total control over your worries and to also be willing about being aware of your emotions that cause you some pain that you just want to throw out and naturally forget about after letting it take place.

With so much to write about, I'm just feeling so much at awe and in peace. A lot of it is because I'm excited about finding my path in enjoying fellowship with Jesus and getting to know the Lord through reading every page of the Bible.