I'm starting to find something that helps fill in the gap with frustrations that come from missing information about anything. By taking the approach of figuring out the person's intentions, it really sets me up to strategize better for influencing my happiness. I'm really about developing self-control from doing anything inappropriate now. Since nobody is perfect except for the one who claims he or she is, the imperfect person will every once in awhile ignore negative self-judgement and just go about doing something while being in the heat of the moment.
I want to catch myself right at the beginning stages of those inappropriate moments and lean to the understanding of Jesus. I'm really going to try to set up a routine now and treat my life like it's a daily job for now because I don't want to get too carried away with the fluff I find in leisure.
I want to be pretty serious again and dedicated to my health and gaining knowledge to increase my vast wealth. Even though I grew up being influenced as a weak person by others who angered me with their rudeness, I never really made an effort to get them to stop. I basically fought back naturally and held a grudge even though I still wanted them to be my friend. Things are starting to slowly creep its way to how I don't really need to raise my voice to set my point straight, unless I was a cop pointing my gun at someone.
In order to be so cool at formulating a wonderful outcome, you have to be the master of yourself. You shouldn't be so agitated underneath because it's expending energy where you would be working a lot harder than you would. To be the winner, you need to be a calm and assertive person focusing on the right tasks. For me, I'm finding that my suitable propensity for solving people problems would be realizing everyone's intentions intuitively and then just communicating to force the issue out-of-style. I found out that I have been gifted a problem solver's head, even though it's very slow at processing only a billion things that are going on at once!