Thursday, April 27, 2017

Recent Smack Talk

Hey JarrK aka jerk, you couldn't handle your temper tantrums with me. If I mimicked you and told you while knocking you down and screamed it in your ear, you would end up hating me even more. You basically end up hating yourself, so me calling you JarrK for laughs is well earned! I've learned that I can give myself self-therapy from being blunt, you small penile holding nut basket case. If you hadn't been such a term in my mind, then I would have treated you well. You lost your patience with me dufus. You claim that I needed help in a very offensive manner. You couldn't help me out because you are incompetent to do so. With the care group no longer being around, it's great that you aren't a part of it. It's like you got weeded out of the pack and that's cool. It's because you are a dufus. You know how I'm not all of these things and you are? It's because I'm still willing to get along with you JarrK and you don't. You know how I can show it? By me blocking you and Facebook and then unblocking you and then asking you to be my friend. You can't because you have issues of moving on from the past.

You are a JarrK for sure. Hey I feel a whole lot better to make these claims and be blunt at the same time. You suck at running too. I'm better. With basketball, I'll just pummel you through and make you mad with your temper tantrum and then knock you down screaming in your ear. I'll just say I'm mimicking you while you think you are in a calm state and get you to yell again loser. So JaarK, it's well earned. I like it, you should name your kids JarrK Jr in honor of yourself. No don't do that, no kid wants to be named after a dufus. You are a total nut case, you know that stupid? I don't think you do. Oh well, it's because you had tunnel vision while exhibiting lack of patience. You aren't equipped to be a mentor or Shepherd. I'm better at it than you are and I don't care at the same time! Maybe I should serve the Lord but I have my own calling there. I didn't know I was dealing with a stupid individual this whole time and I was letting you make me nervous. Man, I'm sorry I made a mistake for seeing you above what your actual pay grade is. Sorry about that dufus. It's a true American heart-felt apology stupid. I'm sorry really deeply JaarK. It's not happening again. I'll speak with this blunt tongue this time around. I was holding back out of being sensitive but after realizing you are JaarK the stupid dufus, it's better that I just be blunt with you now. I can see your eyes raising your eyebrows. You aren't even going to reply. You are going to share this message with no one but I have no problems sharing it with the world. You made a big deal out of nothing and for that you deserve a grand commendation. By the way, I'm sorry idiot!