Friday, August 2, 2019

Becoming More Of The Person You Want To Be

Honestly, I think it's so cool to be an Alpha male. To me without doing any looking up on it for some proper definition, an Alpha male is someone who is very masculine and resilient to challenges and will get it his way even from conquering obstacles and narrowly defeating difficult opponents. A good example of an Alpha that I want to be is Dom from Fast and Furious. I wonder if Dom is really supposed to stand for domination because he's truly the best in that series and finds a way to always win from using his prodigious knowledge and love a hot lady who returns it and stays steadfastly loyal to him.

I don't support the illegal activities Dom does in those movies, but it is exciting from being just a movie and timing unrealistic stunts in real life that would just seem to be impossible. I want to live up to something like that much as I can and take advantage of everything I was born with to utilize it to the full potential and end up with a good wife.

Being short really does matter, according to a short Alpha male on this website I won't mention because he's actually a pickup artist. He's even shorter than me, so yes, he even categorizes himself as a short man at the diminutive height of only around 5' 1". I'm starting to not care anymore about worrying how people will pick on my height. It happens but not so often because my mom says I'm a handsome fellow. There's really no relationship to my mom saying I'm handsome and to practically everyone taller than me not really talking about me being shorter than them all the time.

From a chubby lady I dated a few times and didn't really enjoy except her being physically affectionate but still, I wasn't all into her honestly; she says that despite me being shorter than her, she's all onto me obsessively because she's just that type of person! She also said that with me complaining about being shorter than her, she doesn't care about it any bit and kept ignoring me. She says that it's about how a man is supposed to conduct himself, so she really believed that I was like that because she was so obsessed like a man in chasing after me. I ended up just not returning back her texts and she eventually stopped. She had me respond to her a few times and then she asked to hang out, and I would think ummmm the whole time and never say anything after.

I think with this experience, I have learned that maybe on a positive note there are highly attractive women who would be interested in possibly becoming my wife, but they could already be taken and I don't want to encourage wrecking homes, so I stay away from them as far away I can. I'm very judicious even if it pains me if she's in a dating relationship with another man I might not even be fond of. I want to date an attractive girl who is available and likes me for who I am and someone to fall in love with even if a bunch of guys keep on chasing after her. I don't mind being the guy who has to manage those types of issues.