Friday, May 29, 2020

Daily Life Routine

First thing I do after I wake up at around 4:15 am is go use the potty, take a shower, shave, put on my clothes, and then head out for work. Sometimes I will skip out on a shave or shower if I did it like the night before. I really like to take my sweet time so it takes me about an hour sometimes to get ready for work. I guess it's really early in the morning so I don't function that fast enough yet. It would be nice if I could cut it to no longer than thirty minutes daily. Maybe I could work on it starting tomorrow?

When I drive to work, I'm usually falling asleep so I have adopted chewing gum to help me out along the way. Once I get to work, I usually delete my e-mails and check up a little on how my trades are doing and start trying to answer questions to warm myself up. I also have a lot of questions throughout the day sometimes out of curiosity so I'll just google for information on anything and just read it while I'm grinding out my programming job. 

I find my job to be fulfilling for me and it's something that I really enjoy doing with getting the work done. I see that from focusing mainly, I'm just getting it done from just constantly testing what I programmed and perfecting the code to get the objective done. I even like to go above and beyond to challenge myself with adding in cool features besides just hanging in there. It's just fun and rewarding for me. I can see that I'm really meant to do this line of work. The only way to get better is to just keep on working hard at it. 

After my work is over, I just drive back and while commuting to home and back, I'm listening to the Bible. Recently, I have been making an effort to not swear while I'm by myself and make some funny moves while I'm a little stressed out from remembering some random junk in the past. I don't have a grudge with personal confusion as I used to. I'm not that mad anymore either so I have managed to resolve a lot of my personal issues lately.

When I get back home, I have been eating dinner and then playing some online Poker and trading while watching some anime. I would like to add in some cooking and working out regime on top of those things. I would also like to keep on planning fun things to do and just ask my lady friends to hang out with me for building confidence. I don't mind having fun with a few of my guy friends either, but it looks like I've been looking to spend time with some cute ladies who I'm interested in. Eventually, I will be trying to settle on a girlfriend and it looks like I'm going for that direction. Still, living with my parents and not being financially independent is a personal downfall for me that I'm working on honestly with doing my own side business.  Lastly, if I can make free time while not being exhausted and motivated at the moment, then I would like to complete my journey with doing my Master's online.