Friday, September 9, 2022

Working With What I Have

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
1. Fall in love with the type who fulfills my preferences and then marry this good woman.
2. Work out regularly with cardio-muscular exercises. 
3. Become a millionaire with a lot of free time on my hands as soon as possible without stressing myself out. 
4. Buy and play everywhere with the DJI FPV drone.
5. Buy a single family home. 
6. Finish my software engineering related courses.
7. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. 
8. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! 
9. Read as a habit
10. Force myself to initiate cooking.
11. Force myself to initiate doing proper things at work.
12. Speed up process.
13. Dentist appointment
14. Call to settle a debt
15. Research for future trips
16. Conduct regular hygiene. Take shower before sleeping.

I see things starting to come along well. It's awesome that I am knocking things off this list and even recalling it in the evening when my mind is slowed down.

I have three good female friends. They are all within range of at least having the physical appearance of being my ideal partner. The only problem is that none of them meet enough of my preferences yet and they all differ from each other. It's crazy to compare and contrast them while noticing my likes and dislikes about each of them.

For the one who currently has the most potential to be my future partner, she has flat out told me that she really likes me and currently texts me the most out of the three as a buddy and asks me to go hang out with her and then buy her dinner. We have a great relationship. However, the things she likes to argue with me can get annoying sometimes! She's lacking in a major quality and maybe a few small ones that I value in a partner because of her personality flaw and upbringing. I'm fine with everything else about her and even meeting her needs. If she can develop this quality, then I just think she might be the right one for me! 

There's another good friend who has enough qualities and a good enough appearance for me to want to partner up. It's just that she's a single parent with her own kid and it's not my preference to pursue after her. I think she's been warming up to me a bit and I feel like I'm doing the same and able to open up about all of my shallow preferences and concerns in relationships. I can just talk about my dating problems with her and she's so cool about it, too! She's looking for her perfect match though and is cool about staying single for the rest of her life if he doesn't exist. I fully respect her approach! 

Lastly, this friend is pretty much a very flawed soulmate. She is moody and can be annoying while so nagging. She's also been in several serious relationships and gone through divorce twice! Man, she's too much for me to want to even tame. I'm just not into treating her as an intimate partner anymore. 

With the flawed soulmate, I have distanced myself from her because she was driving me crazy. I made fun of her and hurt her feelings via text before she cut me loose but knowing her, it's easy to establish a relationship back up again with her because she values spending time with friends of all backgrounds. She sort of has my view in life so maybe that's why we got along so well and are the rare misfits who match so well together and can always be around each other 24/7! 

With the flawed soulmate, she's in a serious relationship right now and it made me mad that she dismissed it as something she doesn't really know the good parts about. I really wanted to hear the details, but I guess she can be stupid in the wrong situations and has a quality that she could work on. It took me a while to get over it, but I'm seriously okay and hope she can work on it and manage to stay happy. Besides, I'm not into her. 

To be honest about my assessment which I won't discuss out of the blue with just anyone, I think the flawed soulmate is just settling with someone good looking enough for her right now and also think her partner can do better than her. I'll let her know this and tell her that as long as she's able to work on the relationship and maintain happiness then that's the most important thing going for her!