Saturday, August 11, 2007

Life and Times of Our Feelings

I think life can sometimes feel unfair in that your emotions can't always be met by the desires of your heart. Progressively observing myself, I see that a whole array of feelings can be associated with different circumstantial moments. My heart's will is to find that meaning and keep up with the purpose God has stored in my soul. Taking on an emotional journey along with a honest feedback can actually help a person grow into a more complete person. Jesus was a very emotional man, and when he died on the cross for our sins, he cried- every last drop of his tears were not for his sake but for all of us. In our struggles to be on top of life, such as Cain was seeking after, if our hearts are not invested in the spiritual desires, then our life just becomes filled with this meaningless void.

The mantra of all dying civilizations have been to live a life that is pleasing to their god, people, or own desires. Scriptures point out that a dying world will laugh and mock at the gospel; perhaps, they may be hurting underneath. The Bible also goes on to mention that a person not of the Spirit will see things of the Spirit as foolishness; a Proverb verse addresses that the wisest man compares nothing to the foolishness of God, who is founder of all creation. Some may fall short of God because they will claim He's a founder of evil and allows Satan to roam the world, so why should they please God. Well, my friends, God did not create good to go bad. He has given us more freedom than any godly angels. Not one unsaved man will be able to attest God's judgment upon him. Leave a comment if you wish to hear more on any topic I covered, have a Bible verse, or want to have a savior in your life.