Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Reading Christian Books w/ fun idea

Lately, it feels that we all need to start doing some more reading of the Scriptures in order to expand our knowledge of God. It's really easy for everyone to get caught up with something else, such as work, school, and girlfriend/boyfriend, to really find time for the Bible. All of these things are good to invest in, but as Christians we all should know that God needs to come first. If our spiritual lives are not invested in, then it gets weaker and easier for the enemy to attack us. Adam's sins have caused all of us to fall, except for one and that's Jesus. 
What I feel is that it's not really hard to come to the realization that we need to repent. The Holy Spirit moves in a Christian's life and actively transforms the person into living a holy life. I recently asked a senior pastor, who is head over the most, prominent local church in Thailand, what Christian book had the greatest impact on him. I mentioned great evangelicals like Moody, Spurgeon, and Piper. His response was, "The Bible." I snickered to the thought and agreed with him by quoting, "That's right! The Bible is the greatest source of inspiration." 
Here's a small emotional chart I made up and would be kind of fun to think about:
Down in the dumps <----------depressed <---------------moody--------- lukewarm ----------> moody -----------> happy ---------> exuberant