Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A New Beginning

I love the feeling of getting a fresh new start. Sometimes, our lives can make us feel down and defeated. I have recently had times where I just want to go back in time and fix all my mistakes. I just wish that if I had tweaked my actions just a little bit on a certain direction, then maybe life would be a little better. I think it's sometimes really hard for people to stop pointing fingers, especially if that guy feels that both of the persons involved in a confrontation are at fault. God's a total mystery, and some just can't stop complaining how people can make their lives more miserable.

It's really difficult to associate with people who have mood complexes, especially if you want to open up to them. NO worries, I'm only just saying these things from the wealth I obtained in my heart after accepting Christ at a very young age. Words can stir emotion and can cause unintended feelings from people all over the world in different walks to add their idiosyncratic two-cents. I'm not of any justification at the moment to judge other's appearances. Throughout this whole year, I'm going to try a new philosophical approach to how I portray myself to a dying world. I'm going to share the deep emotional truths that lie in my heart. I want to be known, reached-out, and advocated by those important to me. Fame as a writer in my short-span of life can only give me so much pleasure that I hope to accomplish a spiritual task of serving Christ. Matt 28:19-21 states to teach new believers with sound Biblical doctrine and invite people all over the world to accept Christ. It's a reason for me to believe that there's a purpose in putting up this blog. I am under the presupposition that if I put nothing but anything good from my heart, then I will make a huge impact around the cutting-edge side of things.