Thursday, May 8, 2008

Consequences of raw honesty

I'm starting to realize that raw honesty towards self becomes a good habit to put on. It can definitely keep your hopes up. I'm starting to realize this perspective from looking at my updated resume. I have been trying to hide all the corners and promoting myself to employers. There are so many variables that could get them to misjudge my character. I realize that I have a really good experience in the things that I have accomplished. I managed to change my previous resume to include all the colors that represents me. I think my life's destination and path have been pretty reasonable so far. I know there are some encounters that has made me question my personal validity of existence, but coming through with the answers has made me a lot stronger.

I know that I have accomplished so little, but now I'm growing into a more fuller adult. It means good things to me because I am becoming more active about sacrificing my childish ways. I'm really learning to look after myself. To care the least about myself, the Bible teaches every believer to not worry about their materialistic and emotional needs. I can literally apply it in my life, and I'm seeing that I really appreciate the experiences that God has put me through with defunct relationships. There's a characteristic that I do have that I need to confess. I really love to state the truth, especially if it's going to affect someone after he or she aggravated me. The truth hurts, but it's better than lying and making them an enemy with kissing up to them. Being fake is totally pointless because the truth really does edify everyone engaged in it. Consider it an inconceivable gift that's going to make you happy by perceiving some retaliation upon a highly sensitive individual. Praise God for my self-defense mechanism with people who try to wrong me with their moral compromises.