Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just A Belief

I think it takes money to actually earn money. Like an investment needs to be made to get to this period. I'm really perplexed by how some people are willing to go far with doing scams. I wonder if someone has made a book on how some people create scams and actually profit from them. I would really like to know so I could avoid being scammed myself. For the most part, I want to use the internet as my main workplace now to earn a living if it's going to deal with me being self-employed. I do need just a tad of help, but hopefully common sense will help me get to a point of being profitable.

I do get enough offers to make a little bit of money for doing something called mystery shopping. I just don't like driving around places to audit shops secretly. Boy, it's really a privilege doing it but I just don't like driving around places and struggling looking for those places and then managing everything. It's really hard actually to be a mystery shopper and to earn a huge living off of it. I keep getting flooded on my e-mail with all these requests to do shops, and I'm just not really interested in doing them anymore. I guess this type of work is just not cut out for me. I'll just continue to look at it because it is something.

Alluding to the first paragraph, I have a conflict which is that I don't really have a bankroll to explore more interesting topics and the thought of not having enough money for living expenses gets me a little locked up from committing in other jobs I want to explore and learn about. I think the fastest way to up-track my growth in earnings is to become a consistent winner in where I could invest. Ideally speaking, I wish I could win at gambling all the time but that's impossible so that's why it's called gambling.

Trying to be more of a grown up, I'm taking out gambling on stupid things and wasting time in the equation of my living. So I really need to take some time to reassess where I'm headed.