Thursday, October 31, 2013

Need To Shower

What I was doing today in the morning was working out really hard and then sweating so much, my sweat is like buried under my skin right now or just evaporated. Actually, all I really did was just run about 2.5 miles and it really felt like a short time passed by. I'm starting to not really tire so much from running a pretty vigorous pace as I used to in the beginning. I've been looking to run at a pretty constant pace.

It seems like I'm not creating a spark in anybody really, but I do have some good friends interested in doing some stuff with me every once in awhile. I guess that's a good thing about me in that I'm not fully alone. I'm just an ordinary short guy whose trying to outsmart the odds as usual and bust some brain caps open while aggravating some people who are not that very bright and seem to be doing better than I am. I'm chasing after something more meaningful than them and it really starts from the self.