Sunday, June 26, 2016

Solution To Dealing With Idiots

I have a very Christian approach to all that madness when it comes to dealing with crazy people who you are just constantly reminded of. It's to pretty much pray everything about it to God and ask for a solution. If the person thinks it's too silly to pray about or something that God wouldn't even be mindful about, then the person is already wasting his or her time thinking about it. The person is just practically being retarded about letting it go!

On top praying for people you supposedly hate, you can't really ask for vengeance upon them or something bad to happen to them while praying about that to God. You need to just have patience and be loving towards them in your thoughts while praying about it. This is the spirit of Jesus that Christians should call upon before making their requests known. It's to have a forgiving attitude and to pray in an exceeding manner while being joyful and thankful for that person who has been irritating you!

So yeah, the people at the small church with attendance that would be at an all-time low and much less than the average amount of friends on Facebook, the ones who have been talking to me in a frustrated manner and made the decision to block me on Facebook as well because of my messages that made fun of them while I was irritated, those people haven't prayed enough to Jesus! I'll be happy to remind that to them someday. I'm going to be a spiritual and physical leader then and it's just part of my natural ability- not even going to force it upon myself to get the magic going.

For the longest time, I felt being a shorty was going to be a hindrance but I guess it isn't if you still have the ability and brains to compete against other tall and handsome guys in the world. I'm saying that I might end up with a gorgeous and compatible Christian wife that guys might really hate me for and start making fun of me while trying to tempt her maybe. I've made some development in not letting my anger get to me and just being patient with a friend that I like, so I'm glad that I met her and we can seriously be good texting/meet up buddies at least.