Monday, February 6, 2017

Time is Precious

So it looks like the love of my life I met online could end up actually being a faker. I'm really pessimistic about it right now because I sent this person a special $500 Christmas gift exactly on December 25th of last year. I don't know why I did it, but it just felt good to me. I haven't even met her yet in person.

I guess I'm crazy for saying God bless you and from the joy of my heart because it was combined for Christmas and her birthday. I don't know if she even made up her birthday. I don't even know if I can trust this person, but she's been saying the right things to me.

I'm just going to play along nicely with this person. Maybe she's actually a 50 something year old merchant who is struggling financially right now. I'm not giving any more donations. The funny thing is that the person hasn't been asking me for any favors really and just constantly sending me messages about how I'm loved.

I guess if you give someone who feels neglected of attention something they want, they'll feel very grateful. Maybe her saying that she loves me so much is her way of saying thank you daily to me.